package Pear::LocalLoop::Controller::Register; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller'; use DateTime; has error_messages => sub { return { name => 'Full Name is required', email => 'Email Address is required, and must be a valid address that is not already registered', password => 'Password is required, and must match the Confirmation field', postcode => 'Postcode is required, and must be a valid UK Postcode', token => 'Token is required, and must be a valid, unused token', agerange => 'Age Range is required, and must be a selection from the drop-down', unknown => 'Sorry, there was a problem registering!', }; }; sub index { my $c = shift; my $agerange_rs = $c->schema->resultset('AgeRange'); $agerange_rs->result_class('DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator'); $c->stash( ageranges => [ $agerange_rs->all ], form_data => {}, error => undef ); } sub register { my $c = shift; my $validation = $c->validation; $validation->required('name'); $validation->required('password')->equal_to('password2'); $validation->required('postcode')->postcode; my $user_rs = $c->schema->resultset('User'); $validation->required('email')->email->not_in_resultset('email', $user_rs); my $token_rs = $c->schema->resultset('AccountToken')->search_rs({used => 0}); $validation->required('token')->in_resultset('accounttokenname', $token_rs); my $age_rs = $c->schema->resultset('AgeRange'); $validation->required('agerange')->in_resultset('agerangeid', $age_rs); my @error_messages; if ( $validation->has_error ) { my $failed_vals = $validation->failed; @error_messages = map {$c->error_messages->{ $_ } } @$failed_vals; $c->render( template => 'register/index' ); } else { my $new_user = $c->schema->resultset('User')->find_or_new({ email => $validation->param('email'), hashedpassword => $c->generate_hashed_password( $validation->param('password') ), joindate => DateTime->now(), customer => { username => $validation->param('name'), postcode => $validation->param('postcode'), agerange_fk => $validation->param('agerange'), }, }); if ( $new_user->in_storage ) { @error_messages = ( $c->error_messages->{unknown} ); } else { $new_user->insert; } } if ( scalar @error_messages ) { $age_rs->result_class('DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator'); $c->stash( error => \@error_messages, ageranges => [ $age_rs->all ], form_data => { name => $validation->param('name'), email => $validation->param('email'), postcode => $validation->param('postcode'), token => $validation->param('token'), agerange => $validation->param('agerange'), } ); } else { $c->flash( success => 'Registered Successfully, please log in' ); $c->redirect_to('/'); } } 1;