package Pear::LocalLoop::Plugin::BootstrapPagination; # nabbed from Mojolicious::Plugin::BootstrapPagination - # use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Plugin'; use POSIX( qw/ceil/ ); use Mojo::ByteStream 'b'; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = "0.14"; # Homer: Well basically, I just copied the plant we have now. # Then, I added some fins to lower wind resistance. # And this racing stripe here I feel is pretty sharp. # Burns: Agreed. First prize! sub register{ my ( $self, $app, $args ) = @_; $args ||= {}; $app->helper( bootstrap_pagination => sub{ my ( $self, $actual, $count, $opts ) = @_; my %bs4classes = (list_class => "page-item", anchor_class => "page-link"); my $localize = ( $opts->{localize} || $args->{localize} ) ? ( $opts->{localize} || $args->{localize} ) : undef; $count = ceil($count); return "" unless $count > 1; $opts = {} unless $opts; my $round = $opts->{round} || $args->{round} || 4; my $param = $opts->{param} || $args->{param} || "page"; my $class = $opts->{class} || $args->{class} || ""; my $bs4 = $opts->{bootstrap4} || $args->{bootstrap4} || undef; if ($class ne ""){ $class = " " . $class; } my $outer = $opts->{outer} || $args->{outer} || 2; my $query = exists $opts->{query} ? $opts->{query} : $args->{query} || ""; my $start = $opts->{start} // $args->{start} // 1; my @current = ( $actual - $round .. $actual + $round ); my @first = ($start.. $start + $outer - 1); my @tail = ( $count - $outer + 1 .. $count ); my @ret = (); my $last = undef; foreach my $number( sort { $a <=> $b } @current, @first, @tail ){ next if ( $last && $last == $number && $start > 0 ) || ( defined $last && $last == $number && $start == 0 ); next if ( $number <= 0 && $start > 0) || ( $number < 0 && $start == 0 ); last if ( $number > $count && $start > 0 ) || ( $number >= $count && $start == 0 ); push @ret, ".." if( $last && $last + 1 != $number ); push @ret, $number; $last = $number; } my $html = ""; return b( $html ); } ); } 1; __END__ =encoding utf-8 =head1 NAME Mojolicious::Plugin::BootstrapPagination - Page Navigator plugin for Mojolicious This module has derived from L =head1 SYNOPSIS # Mojolicious::Lite plugin 'bootstrap_pagination' # Mojolicious $self->plugin( 'bootstrap_pagination' ); =head1 DESCRIPTION L generates standard page navigation bar, like << 1 2 ... 11 12 13 14 15 ... 85 86 >> =head1 HELPERS =head2 bootstrap_pagination %= bootstrap_pagination( $current_page, $total_pages, $opts ); =head3 Options Options is a optional ref hash. %= bootstrap_pagination( $current_page, $total_pages, { round => 4, outer => 2, query => "&id=$id", start => 1, class => 'pagination-lg', param => 'page' } ); =over 1 =item round Number of pages around the current page. Default: 4. =item outer Number of outer window pages (first and last pages). Default 2. =item param Name of param for query url. Default: 'page' =item query Additional query string to url. Optional. =item start Start number for query string. Default: 1. Optional. =back =head1 INTERNATIONALIZATION If you want to use internationalization (I18N), you can pass a code reference via I. plugin 'bootstrap_pagination' => { localize => \&localize, }; sub localize { my ($number) = @_; my %trans = ( 1 => 'one', 2 => 'two', 6 => 'six', 7 => 'seven', 8 => 'eight', 9 => 'nine', 10 => 'ten', 11 => 'eleven', 12 => 'twelve', 13 => 'thirteen', 14 => 'fourteen', 15 => 'fifteen', ); return $trans{$number}; } This will print the words instead of the numbers. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L,L. =head1 Repository =head1 LICENSE Copyright (C) dokechin. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 AUTHOR dokechin EE =head1 CONTRIBUTORS Andrey Chips Kuzmin =cut