Refactor Organisation table to easier column names

This commit is contained in:
Tom Bloor 2017-04-20 22:17:13 +01:00
parent e2cf58c895
commit 6596fd10aa
6 changed files with 93 additions and 142 deletions

View file

@ -32,8 +32,11 @@ has error_messages => sub {
required => { message => 'No age sent.', status => 400 },
in_resultset => { message => 'Age range is invalid.', status => 400 },
fulladdress => {
required => { message => 'No fulladdress sent.', status => 400 },
street_address => {
required => { message => 'No street_address sent.', status => 400 },
town => {
required => { message => 'No town sent.', status => 400 },
@ -80,8 +83,8 @@ sub post_register{
} elsif ( $usertype eq 'organisation' ) {
#TODO validation on the address. Or perhaps add the organisation to a "to be inspected" list then manually check them.
@ -99,30 +102,24 @@ sub post_register{
my $token = $validation->param('token');
my $username = $validation->param('username');
my $email = $validation->param('email');
my $postcode = $validation->param('postcode');
my $password = $validation->param('password');
if ($usertype eq 'customer'){
# TODO replace with actually using the value on the post request
my $ageForeignKey = $c->get_age_foreign_key( $validation->param('age') );
$c->schema->txn_do( sub {
accounttokenname => $token,
accounttokenname => $validation->param('token'),
used => 0,
})->update({ used => 1 });
customer => {
username => $username,
username => $validation->param('username'),
agerange_fk => $ageForeignKey,
postcode => $postcode,
postcode => $validation->param('postcode'),
email => $email,
hashedpassword => $password,
joindate => DateTime->now,
email => $validation->param('email'),
hashedpassword => $validation->param('password'),
joindate => DateTime->now,
@ -132,23 +129,27 @@ sub post_register{
$c->schema->txn_do( sub {
accounttokenname => $token,
accounttokenname => $validation->param('token'),
used => 0,
})->update({ used => 1 });
organisation => {
name => $username,
fulladdress => $fullAddress,
postcode => $postcode,
name => $validation->param('username'),
street_address => $validation->param('street_address'),
town => $validation->param('town'),
postcode => $validation->param('postcode'),
email => $email,
hashedpassword => $password,
joindate => DateTime->now,
email => $validation->param('email'),
hashedpassword => $validation->param('password'),
joindate => DateTime->now,
return $c->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->true } );
return $c->render( json => {
success => Mojo::JSON->true,
message => 'Registered Successfully',

View file

@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ sub post_upload {
if ( $type == 1 ) {
# Validated Organisation
my $valid_org_rs = $c->schema->resultset('Organisation');
$validation->required('organisation_id')->number->in_resultset( 'organisationalid', $valid_org_rs );
$validation->required('organisation_id')->number->in_resultset( 'id', $valid_org_rs );
} elsif ( $type == 2 ) {
# Unvalidated Organisation
my $valid_org_rs = $c->schema->resultset('PendingOrganisation')->search({ usersubmitted_fk => $user->id });

View file

@ -1,85 +1,42 @@
use utf8;
package Pear::LocalLoop::Schema::Result::Organisation;
# Created by DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader
=head1 NAME
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'DBIx::Class::Core';
=over 4
=item * L<DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::DateTime>
=head1 TABLE: C<Organisations>
=head2 organisationalid
data_type: 'integer'
is_auto_increment: 1
is_nullable: 0
=head2 name
data_type: 'text'
is_nullable: 0
=head2 fulladdress
data_type: 'text'
is_nullable: 0
=head2 postcode
data_type: 'text'
is_nullable: 0
{ data_type => "integer", is_auto_increment => 1, is_nullable => 0 },
{ data_type => "text", is_nullable => 0 },
{ data_type => "text", is_nullable => 0 },
{ data_type => "text", is_nullable => 0 },
id => {
data_type => 'integer',
is_auto_increment => 1,
is_nullable => 0,
name => {
data_type => 'varchar',
size => 255,
is_nullable => 0,
street_address => {
data_type => 'text',
is_nullable => 1,
town => {
data_type => 'varchar',
size => 255,
is_nullable => 0,
postcode => {
data_type => 'varchar',
size => 16,
is_nullable => 1,
=over 4
=item * L</organisationalid>
@ -94,7 +51,7 @@ Related object: L<Pear::LocalLoop::Schema::Result::Transaction>
{ "foreign.sellerorganisationid_fk" => "self.organisationalid" },
{ "foreign.sellerorganisationid_fk" => '' },
{ cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 },
@ -109,14 +66,8 @@ Related object: L<Pear::LocalLoop::Schema::Result::User>
{ "foreign.organisationalid_fk" => "self.organisationalid" },
{ "foreign.organisationalid_fk" => '' },
{ cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 },
# Created by DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader v0.07046 @ 2017-02-24 17:32:21
# You can replace this text with custom code or comments, and it will be preserved on regeneration

View file

@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ Related object: L<Pear::LocalLoop::Schema::Result::Organisation>
{ organisationalid => "sellerorganisationid_fk" },
{ id => "sellerorganisationid_fk" },
{ is_deferrable => 0, on_delete => "NO ACTION", on_update => "NO ACTION" },

View file

@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ Related object: L<Pear::LocalLoop::Schema::Result::Organisation>
{ organisationalid => "organisationalid_fk" },
{ id => "organisationalid_fk" },
is_deferrable => 0,
join_type => "LEFT",

View file

@ -7,40 +7,37 @@ use Test::Pear::LocalLoop;
my $framework = Test::Pear::LocalLoop->new;
my $t = $framework->framework;
my $schema = $t->app->schema;
my $dump_error = sub { diag $t->tx->res->dom->at('pre[id="error"]')->text };
my @accountTokens = ('a', 'b', 'c');
my @account_tokens = ('a', 'b', 'c');
[ 'accounttokenname' ],
map { [ $_ ] } @accountTokens,
map { [ $_ ] } @account_tokens,
#Add one company that we've apparently authenticated but does not have an account.
my $companyIdNumShinra = 1;
my $name = "Shinra Electric Power Company";
my $fullAddress = "Sector 0, Midgar, Eastern Continent, Gaia";
my $postcode = "E1 M00";
my $org_id_shinra = 1;
my $org_rs = $schema->resultset('Organisation');
is $org_rs->count, 0, "No organisations";
organisationalid => $companyIdNumShinra,
name => $name,
fulladdress => $fullAddress,
postcode => $postcode,
id => $org_id_shinra,
name => 'Shinra Electric Power Company',
street_address => 'Sector 0, Midgar, Eastern Continent',
town => 'Gaia',
postcode => 'E1 M00',
is $org_rs->count, 1, "1 testing organisation";
#This depends on "register.t" and "login.t" working.
#Valid customer, this also tests that redirects are disabled for register.
print "test 1 - Create customer user account (Rufus)\n";
my $emailRufus = '';
my $passwordRufus = 'MakoGold';
my $testJson = {
'usertype' => 'customer',
'token' => shift(@accountTokens),
'token' => shift(@account_tokens),
'username' => 'RufusShinra',
'email' => $emailRufus,
'postcode' => 'E1 MP01',
@ -56,7 +53,7 @@ my $emailHojo = '';
my $passwordHojo = 'Mako';
$testJson = {
'usertype' => 'customer',
'token' => shift(@accountTokens),
'token' => shift(@account_tokens),
'username' => 'ProfessorHojo',
'email' => $emailHojo,
'postcode' => 'E1 MP01',
@ -72,16 +69,18 @@ my $emailBilly = '';
my $passwordBilly = 'Choco';
$testJson = {
'usertype' => 'organisation',
'token' => shift(@accountTokens),
'token' => shift(@account_tokens),
'username' => 'ChocoBillysGreens',
'email' => $emailBilly,
'postcode' => 'E4 C12',
'password' => $passwordBilly,
'fulladdress' => 'Chocobo Farm, Eastern Continent, Gaia'
'street_address' => 'Chocobo Farm, Eastern Continent',
'town' => 'Gaia',
$t->post_ok('/api/register' => json => $testJson)
->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->true);
->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->true)
->json_like('/message', qr/Registered Successfully/);
@ -109,7 +108,7 @@ $t->post_ok('/api/upload' => form => $upload )
print "test 6 - transaction_value missing\n";
my $json = {
transaction_type => 1,
organisation_id => $companyIdNumShinra,
organisation_id => $org_id_shinra,
session_key => $session_key,
$upload = {json => Mojo::JSON::encode_json($json), file => {file => './t/test.jpg'}};
@ -122,7 +121,7 @@ print "test 7 - transaction_value non-numbers\n";
$json = {
transaction_value => 'Abc',
transaction_type => 1,
organisation_id => $companyIdNumShinra,
organisation_id => $org_id_shinra,
session_key => $session_key,
$upload = {json => Mojo::JSON::encode_json($json), file => {file => './t/test.jpg'}};
@ -135,7 +134,7 @@ print "test 8 - transaction_value equal to zero\n";
$json = {
transaction_value => 0,
transaction_type => 1,
organisation_id => $companyIdNumShinra,
organisation_id => $org_id_shinra,
session_key => $session_key,
$upload = {json => Mojo::JSON::encode_json($json), file => {file => './t/test.jpg'}};
@ -148,7 +147,7 @@ print "test 9 - transaction_value less than zero\n";
$json = {
transaction_value => -1,
transaction_type => 1,
organisation_id => $companyIdNumShinra,
organisation_id => $org_id_shinra,
session_key => $session_key,
$upload = {json => Mojo::JSON::encode_json($json), file => {file => './t/test.jpg'}};
@ -173,7 +172,7 @@ $json = {
transaction_value => 10,
transaction_type => 4,
session_key => $session_key,
# organisation_id => $companyIdNumShinra
# organisation_id => $org_id_shinra
$upload = {json => Mojo::JSON::encode_json($json), file => {file => './t/test.jpg'}};
$t->post_ok('/api/upload' => form => $upload )
@ -199,7 +198,7 @@ $json = {
transaction_value => 10,
transaction_type => 1,
session_key => $session_key,
# organisation_id => $companyIdNumShinra
# organisation_id => $org_id_shinra
$upload = {json => Mojo::JSON::encode_json($json), file => {file => './t/test.jpg'}};
$t->post_ok('/api/upload' => form => $upload )
@ -211,7 +210,7 @@ print "test 14 - organisation_id for non-existent id. (type 1: already validated
$json = {
transaction_value => 10,
transaction_type => 1,
organisation_id => ($companyIdNumShinra + 100),
organisation_id => ($org_id_shinra + 100),
session_key => $session_key,
$upload = {json => Mojo::JSON::encode_json($json), file => {file => './t/test.jpg'}};
@ -221,11 +220,11 @@ $t->post_ok('/api/upload' => form => $upload )
->content_like(qr/organisation_id does not exist in the database/i);
print "test 15 - valid addition. (type 1: already validated)\n";
is @{$t->app->db->selectrow_arrayref("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Transactions")}[0],0,"no transactions";
is $schema->resultset('Transaction')->count, 0, "no transactions";
$json = {
transaction_value => 10,
transaction_type => 1,
organisation_id => $companyIdNumShinra,
organisation_id => $org_id_shinra,
session_key => $session_key,
$upload = {json => Mojo::JSON::encode_json($json), file => {file => './t/test.jpg'}};
@ -233,7 +232,7 @@ $t->post_ok('/api/upload' => form => $upload )
->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->true)
->json_like('/message', qr/Upload Successful/);
is @{$t->app->db->selectrow_arrayref("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Transactions")}[0],1,"1 transaction";
is $schema->resultset('Transaction')->count, 1, "1 transaction";
# Add type 3 (new organisation) checking.
@ -253,8 +252,8 @@ $t->post_ok('/api/upload' => form => $upload )
->content_like(qr/organisation_name is missing/i);
print "test 17 - add valid transaction (type 3: new organisation)\n";
is @{$t->app->db->selectrow_arrayref("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PendingOrganisations")}[0],0,"No pending organisations";
is @{$t->app->db->selectrow_arrayref("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PendingTransactions")}[0],0,"No pending transactions";
is $schema->resultset('PendingOrganisation')->count, 0, "No pending organisations";
is $schema->resultset('PendingTransaction')->count, 0, "No pending transactions";
$json = {
transaction_value => 10,
@ -270,8 +269,8 @@ $t->post_ok('/api/upload' => form => $upload )
->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->true)
->json_like('/message', qr/Upload Successful/);
is @{$t->app->db->selectrow_arrayref("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PendingOrganisations")}[0],1,"1 pending organisation";
is @{$t->app->db->selectrow_arrayref("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PendingTransactions")}[0],1,"1 pending transaction";
is $schema->resultset('PendingOrganisation')->count, 1, "1 pending organisations";
is $schema->resultset('PendingTransaction')->count, 1, "1 pending transactions";
# Add type 2 (unverified organisation) checking.
@ -337,7 +336,7 @@ $session_key = $t->tx->res->json('/session_key');
print "test 23 - add valid transaction but for with account (type 2: existing organisation)\n";
my $org_result = $schema->resultset('PendingOrganisation')->find({ name => '7th Heaven' });
my $unvalidatedOrganisationId = $org_result->pendingorganisationid;
is @{$t->app->db->selectrow_arrayref("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PendingTransactions")}[0],1,"1 pending transaction";
is $schema->resultset('PendingTransaction')->count, 1, "1 pending transactions";
$json = {
transaction_value => 10,
transaction_type => 2,
@ -349,7 +348,7 @@ $t->post_ok('/api/upload' => form => $upload )
->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->false)
->content_like(qr/organisation_id does not exist in the database/i);
is @{$t->app->db->selectrow_arrayref("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PendingTransactions")}[0],1,"1 pending transaction";
is $schema->resultset('PendingTransaction')->count, 1, "1 pending transactions";
print "test 24 - Logout Hojo\n";
$t->post_ok('/api/logout', json => { session_key => $session_key } )
@ -373,7 +372,7 @@ $t->post_ok('/api/login' => json => $testJson)
$session_key = $t->tx->res->json('/session_key');
print "test 26 - add valid transaction (type 2: existing organisation)\n";
is @{$t->app->db->selectrow_arrayref("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PendingTransactions")}[0],1,"1 pending transaction";
is $schema->resultset('PendingTransaction')->count, 1, "1 pending transactions";
$json = {
transaction_value => 10,
transaction_type => 2,
@ -385,7 +384,7 @@ $t->post_ok('/api/upload' => form => $upload )
->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->true)
->json_like('/message', qr/Upload Successful/);
is @{$t->app->db->selectrow_arrayref("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PendingTransactions")}[0],2,"2 pending transaction";
is $schema->resultset('PendingTransaction')->count, 2, "2 pending transactions";
print "test 27 - Logout Rufus\n";
@ -410,11 +409,11 @@ $t->post_ok('/api/login' => json => $testJson)
$session_key = $t->tx->res->json('/session_key');
print "test 29 - organisation buy from another organisation\n";
is @{$t->app->db->selectrow_arrayref("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Transactions")}[0],1,"1 transaction";
is $schema->resultset('Transaction')->count, 1, "1 transaction";
$json = {
transaction_value => 100000,
transaction_type => 1,
organisation_id => $companyIdNumShinra,
organisation_id => $org_id_shinra,
session_key => $session_key,
$upload = {json => Mojo::JSON::encode_json($json), file => {file => './t/test.jpg'}};
@ -422,7 +421,7 @@ $t->post_ok('/api/upload' => form => $upload )
->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->true)
->json_like('/message', qr/Upload Successful/);
is @{$t->app->db->selectrow_arrayref("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Transactions")}[0],2,"2 transactions";
is $schema->resultset('Transaction')->count, 2, "2 transaction";