2017-09-04 14:03:39 +01:00
#! perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::DeployMethod::SQL::Translator::ScriptHelpers
schema_from_schema_loader({ naming => 'v7' }, sub {
my $schema = shift;
my $user_rs = $schema->resultset('UsersTemp');
my $customer_rs = $schema->resultset('CustomersTemp');
my $organisation_rs = $schema->resultset('OrganisationsTemp');
my $transaction_rs = $schema->resultset('TransactionsTemp');
my $pending_org_rs = $schema->resultset('PendingOrganisation');
my $pending_trans_rs = $schema->resultset('PendingTransaction');
2017-09-06 16:45:29 +01:00
my $feedback_rs = $schema->resultset('FeedbackTemp');
2017-09-06 16:49:12 +01:00
my $session_token_rs = $schema->resultset('SessionTokensTemp');
2017-09-04 14:03:39 +01:00
# Lookups used for converting transactions
my $org_lookup = {};
my $user_lookup = {};
# First migrate all customers, organisations, and pending organisations across to the entity table.
for my $customer_result ( $customer_rs->all ) {
my $user_result = $user_rs->find({ customer_id => $customer_result->id });
my $administrator = $schema->resultset('Administrator')->find({ user_id => $user_result->id });
my $new_entity = $schema->resultset('Entity')->create({ type => 'customer' });
my $new_customer = $schema->resultset('Customer')->create({
entity_id => $new_entity->id,
display_name => $customer_result->display_name,
full_name => $customer_result->full_name,
year_of_birth => $customer_result->year_of_birth,
postcode => $customer_result->postcode,
# In the old system, all customers were users
my $new_user = $schema->resultset('User')->create({
entity_id => $new_entity->id,
email => $user_result->email,
join_date => $user_result->join_date,
password => $user_result->password,
is_admin => defined $administrator ? 1 : 0,
$user_lookup->{$user_result->id} = $new_entity->id;
for my $organisation_result ( $organisation_rs->all ) {
my $user_result = $user_rs->find({ organisation_id => $organisation_result->id });
my $new_entity = $schema->resultset('Entity')->create({ type => 'organisation' });
my $org = $schema->resultset('Organisation')->create({
entity_id => $new_entity->id,
name => $organisation_result->name,
street_name => $organisation_result->street_name,
town => $organisation_result->town,
postcode => $organisation_result->postcode,
# In the old system, not all organisations were users - but could have still been an admin?
if ( defined $user_result ) {
my $administrator = $schema->resultset('Administrator')->find({ user_id => $user_result->id });
my $new_user = $schema->resultset('User')->create({
entity_id => $new_entity->id,
email => $user_result->email,
join_date => $user_result->join_date,
password => $user_result->password,
is_admin => defined $administrator ? 1 : 0,
$user_lookup->{$user_result->id} = $new_entity->id;
$org_lookup->{$organisation_result->id} = $new_entity->id;
for my $transaction_result ( $transaction_rs->all ) {
my $new_transaction = $schema->resultset('Transaction')->create({
buyer_id => $user_lookup->{ $transaction_result->buyer_id },
seller_id => $org_lookup->{ $transaction_result->seller_id },
value => $transaction_result->value,
proof_image => $transaction_result->proof_image,
submitted_at => $transaction_result->submitted_at,
purchase_time => $transaction_result->purchase_time,
for my $pending_result ( $pending_org_rs->all ) {
my $entity = $schema->resultset('Entity')->create({ type => 'organisation' });
my $org = $schema->resultset('Organisation')->create({
entity_id => $entity->id,
name => $pending_result->name,
street_name => $pending_result->street_name,
town => $pending_result->town,
postcode => $pending_result->postcode,
submitted_by_id => $user_lookup->{ $pending_result->submitted_by_id },
pending => 1,
my $pending_trans_set_rs = $pending_trans_rs->search({
seller_id => $pending_result->id,
for my $trans_result ( $pending_trans_set_rs->all ) {
buyer_id => $user_lookup->{ $trans_result->buyer_id },
seller_id => $entity->id,
value => $trans_result->value,
proof_image => $trans_result->proof_image,
submitted_at => $trans_result->submitted_at,
purchase_time => $trans_result->purchase_time,
2017-09-06 16:45:29 +01:00
for my $session_token ( $session_token_rs->all ) {
token => $session_token->token,
user_id => $user_lookup->{ $session_token->user_id },
for my $feedback_result ( $feedback_rs->all ) {
user_id => $user_lookup->{ $feedback_result->user_id },
submitted_at => $feedback_result->submitted_at,
feedbacktext => $feedback_result->feedbacktext,
app_name => $feedback_result->app_name,
package_name => $feedback_result->package_name,
version_code => $feedback_result->version_code,
version_number => $feedback_result->version_number,
2017-09-04 14:03:39 +01:00