app.controller('receiptCtrl',function($scope,$http,uploadReceiptService) { // display the list of all exsiting store, validated and not validated $scope.storelist; // require param for upload api $scope.microCurrencyValue; $scope.transactionAdditionType; $scope.addValidatedId; $scope.storename; // photo and path to the photo $scope.receiptPhoto; $scope.receiptPhotoSrc; // list of pending reciepts await for approval from admin $scope.pending_list = [ {submitted_time: 30 },{submitted_time:20},{submitted_time:10},{submitted_time:5},{submitted_time:1} ]; var foodloop_token_url_search = ""; // get the latest store list $scope.getStoreList = function(){ var data = { "searchName": "", "searchLocation": "" }; $,data).then(function(response){ console.log(response); }); // API call to /search to fetch a list of store } $scope.storelist = $scope.getStoreList(); // select the image $scope.getImage = function(element) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function(event) { $scope.$apply(function($scope) { $scope.receiptPhoto = element.files[0]; $scope.receiptPhotoSrc = }); } reader.readAsDataURL(element.files[0]); } // upload the receipt to the server $scope.uploadReceipt = function(){ uploadReceiptService.uploadReceipt(); } // test // firebase api to upload an image });