Submit Transaction Required Data marked in bold.
Enter the date and time the transaction occurred.
Enter the amount spent, such as 5.35 for £5.35.
Enter the name of the organisation money was spent. Choose existing ones from below or if not found, enter the details below.
Enter the street name where the organisation is located at.
Enter the name of the town where the organisation is located at.
Enter the postcode where the organisation is located at.
Profile & Payroll Data Required Data marked in bold.
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A total of other payments such as refunded fuel etc.
Individual Supplier Data Optional but recommended.
Must be filled in to submit this data.
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Individual Employee Data Optional but recommended.
Must be filled in to submit this data.
Used to identify employee anonymously
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This is a help text
This is a help text
This is a help text
A total of other payments such as refunded fuel etc.