import { LoginPageObject } from './login.po'; import { browser } from "protractor"; describe('Login Page', () => { let page: LoginPageObject; beforeEach(() => { page = new LoginPageObject(); page.navigateTo(); }); it('should have a header saying login', () => { expect(page.getLoginHeaderText()).toEqual('Login'); }); it('should have a username box of type email', () => { expect(page.isEmailFieldPresent()).toBeTruthy(); expect(page.getEmailFieldType()).toEqual('email'); }); it('should have a password box of type password', () => { expect(page.isPasswordFieldPresent()).toBeTruthy(); expect(page.getPasswordFieldType()).toBe('password'); }); it('should have a login button of type submit', () => { expect(page.isLoginButtonPresent()).toBeTruthy(); expect(page.getLoginButtonType()).toBe('submit'); }); it('should have a disabled login button when empty', () => { expect(page.isLoginButtonEnabled()).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should have a disabled login button when only email', () => { page.fillEmailFieldWith(''); expect(page.isLoginButtonEnabled()).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should have a disabled login button when only password', () => { page.fillPasswordFieldWith('abc123'); expect(page.isLoginButtonEnabled()).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should have an enabled login button when both inputs filled', () => { page.fillEmailFieldWith(''); page.fillPasswordFieldWith('abc123'); expect(page.isLoginButtonEnabled()).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should submit the filled data when login pressed', () => { page.fillEmailFieldWith(''); page.fillPasswordFieldWith('abc123'); expect(page.isLoginButtonEnabled()).toBeTruthy(); page.getLoginButton().click(); browser.waitForAngular(); expect(browser.getCurrentUrl()).toContain('dashboard'); }); });