/* this controller specifies the logic layer of the admin page */ /* including the content to be display, sidebar, header */ /* functionailities involve for an admin */ app.controller('adminCtrl', function($scope,$state) { $scope.users; $scope.controllby = "admin"; // Initialize Firebase $scope.pending_receipt_sum = 2; $scope.pending_receipt = [ { receipt_ref: "r1", submitted_by : "John Lemon", submitted_time: "31", submitted_amount: "8.66", details: "sjadsjoiadsj iasdn aisdn alsdi jadi jasdi ajsdoi ndi snd" } , { submitted_by : "User007", submitted_time: "21", submitted_amount: "22.22" } ]; /* section for receipt management start * / /* review a pending receipt */ /* fetch a list of pending receipt from server */ /* fetch a list of approve receipt from server */ $scope.reviewReceipt = function(myReceipt){ // testing console.log("[DEBUG]: reviewReceipt called"); // show page for review this receipt $state.go('admin.view_receipt', {receipt: myReceipt}) // } $scope.approve_receipt = function(receipt_ref){ // call api to approve a pending receipt // notify user } $scope.fetch_pending_receipt = function(){ } $scope.fetch_submitted_receipt = function(){ } /* section for receipt management end */ // Get a reference to the database service var database = firebase.database(); firebase.database().ref('/users/').once('value').then(function(snapshot) { $scope.users = snapshot.val(); }); $scope.test = function(){ console.log("CLiced "); console.log($scope.users); } });