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105 lines
3.4 KiB

use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;
use XML::Simple;
use XML::Twig;
use Time::Piece;
my $filename = $ARGV[0];
# Reprints only the following values from each entry in the .xml file:
# - application date
# - application number
# - publication date
# - publication number
my $twig = new XML::Twig(TwigRoots => {'application-reference/document-id/date' => 1,
'application-reference/document-id/doc-number' => 2,
'publication-reference/document-id/date' => 3,
'publication-reference/document-id/doc-number' => 4},
TwigHandlers => {'application-reference/document-id/date' => sub { $_->set_tag( 'application-date') },
'application-reference/document-id/doc-number' => sub { $_->set_tag( 'application-number') },
'publication-reference/document-id/date' => sub { $_->set_tag( 'publication-date') },
'publication-reference/document-id/doc-number' => sub { $_->set_tag( 'publication-number') }},
pretty_print => 'indented');
my $numLines = countFile($filename);
print "Processing $numLines lines...\n";
processFile($filename, $numLines);
print "File processing finished - press '1' to generate SQL statements, or '0' to quit.\n";
while (1) {
given (<STDIN>) {
when(1) {
print "SQL generation finished.\n";
exit 0;
when(0) { exit 0; }
default { print "Press '1' to generate SQL statements, or '0' to quit.\n"; }
sub countFile {
my $lineNum = 0;
open(INFILE, $_[0].".xml") or die "Can't open ".$_[0].": $!";
foreach(<INFILE>) {
return $lineNum;
sub processFile {
my $buffer = "";
my $firstItem = 1;
my $currentLine = 1;
open(INFILE, $_[0].".xml") or die "Can't open ".$_[0].": $!";
open(my $finalFile, ">".$_[0]."FINAL.xml") or die "Can't clear FINAL ".$_[0].": $!";
print $finalFile "";
open(my $finalFile, ">>".$_[0]."FINAL.xml") or die "Can't output FINAL ".$_[0].": $!";
print$finalFile "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<patents>\n";
foreach(<INFILE>) {
print "Processing line ".$currentLine."/".$_[1]."...\n";
my($line) = $_;
if ($line !~ /^\<\?xml/ && $firstItem == 0) {
if ($line !~ /^\<\!DOCTYPE/) {
$buffer = $buffer.$line;
} else {
if ($firstItem == 1) {
$firstItem = 0;
} else {
$buffer = "";
print $finalFile "</patents>";
sub generateSQL {
my $xml = new XML::Simple (KeyAttr=>[]);
# read XML file
my $data = $xml->XMLin($_[0]."FINAL.xml");
open(my $sqlFile, ">".$_[0]."SQL.xml") or die "Can't output SQL ".$_[0].": $!";
print $sqlFile "";
open(my $sqlFile, ">>".$_[0]."SQL.xml") or die "Can't output SQL ".$_[0].": $!";
print $sqlFile "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `patents`\n(\n\t`pid` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n\tPRIMARY KEY(`pid`),\n\t`pubNum` VARCHAR(32),\n\t`pubDate` DATETIME,\n\t`appNum` VARCHAR(32),\n\t`appDate` DATETIME\n);\n\n";
foreach my $e (@{$data->{'us-patent-grant'}}) {
print $sqlFile "INSERT INTO `patents`(`pubNum`, `pubDate`, `appNum`, `appDate`) VALUES ('".$e->{'publication-number'}."', '".$e->{'publication-date'}."', '".$e->{'application-number'}."', '".$e->{'application-date'}."');\n";