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655 lines
22 KiB
Executable File

* @file
* @author Ben Goldsworthy (rumps) <>
* @version 1.0
* @section LICENSE
* This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @section DESCRIPTION
* This program attempts to emulate the 1979 Atari arcade classic 'Lunar Lander'
* in the *nix Terminal, using the ncurses library
* (<>). This can only
* be because Joe Finney is a sadistic madman.
* Implemented features so far are:
* - momentum & gravity
* - random landscape generation
* - crashing & (rarely) landing
* - cheats
* - scoring
* Features to implement by TOMORROW are:
* - more cheats (or 'debug modes' as all the kids are calling them these days)
* - leaderboards
* - random gravity generation
#include "moonlander.h"
* The main function of the program.
* Sets everything up initially, and then contains the game loop.
* @return 0 on success
int main() {
// Declarations of variables used throughout `main()`
// With all this talk of `SHIP`s and `LANDSCAPE`s, it all
// feels a bit object oriented around here.
SHIP ship;
LANDSCAPE landscape;
// Values used for tracking the score.
unsigned int time;
// Used for animating the game.
s.tv_sec = 0;
s.tv_nsec = 180000000L;
// Used for recording user input.
unsigned int ch;
// Used for moving the ship.
unsigned int jetDir;
// Used for dealing with the landscape arrays.
size_t lASize, sASize;
// Tracks the score.
double score;
// This is where the magic happens.
// I know, I know; 'Go To Statement Considered Harmful' and
// all that. I feel like even Dijkstra would let me off for this
// one though.
// (Re-)Initialises the relevant variables; the user isn't always coming
// to this point fresh.
end = false;
endType = NONE;
time = 0;
invincible = false;
ch = ' ';
jetDir = NONE;
score = 0.0f;
// `lASize` is initialised to 1 rather than 0 because the first coordinates
// in `landscapeArray` will be the leftmost ones; that is, they will have a
// x-coord of 0 and the size of the array will return as 0.
lASize = 1;
sASize = 0;
// Displays the lovely nicked ASCII lunar lander splash screen.
// Loops whilst on the intro screen until the button to start the
// game is pressed. Meanwhile, the keys for the available cheats
// can be used to toggle their effects.
while ((ch = getch()) != 'a'){
if (ch == 'i') {
invincible = (invincible) ? false : true;
mvaddch(LINES-1, COLS-1, (invincible) ? 'T' : 'F');
// Wipes the slate clean.
// ncurses has the weirdest system of dealing with colours.
init_pair(1, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_BLACK);
init_pair(2, COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK);
// Initialises the parameters for the ship and landscape; did
// someone say object constructors?
// Seriously, who designed this thing?
mvprintw(0, 1, "Press F1 to exit");
// There's almost certainly a more space-efficient way of doing this,
// but making `landscapeArray` the size of the entire terminal is certainly
// reliable. `safeArray` can safely be double the number of columns because
// the landscape can never loop back on itself (I hope).
unsigned int landscapeArray[COLS * LINES];
unsigned int safeArray[COLS * 2];
// Initialises the arrays to 0s; this is used to figure out how where
// the coordinates end and useless data begins later on.
// In MATLAB, these two lines and the lines before could be done as
// `landscapeArray = zeros(2, COLS)`; who thought I'd ever miss MATLAB.
for (size_t i = 0; i < COLS * LINES; i++) landscapeArray[i] = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < COLS * LINES; i++) safeArray[i] = 0;
// Used to ensure a game is never unwinnable (I'm nicer than 80s/90s
// Sierra)
bool validLandscape;
// Fairly certain this is absolute arse, but it works. The game generates
// random landscapes until one is made with at least one landing pad.
do {
validLandscape = createLandscape(&landscape, &landscapeArray, &safeArray);
} while (!validLandscape);
// Finds the ends of the two arrays. Again, this hurts a bit to look at,
// but I'm lazy. So sue me.
do { lASize++; } while (landscapeArray[lASize] != 0); --lASize;
do { sASize++; } while (safeArray[sASize] != 0); --sASize;
// Does what it says on the tin, really.
// Sticks all of this onto the screen.
// Despite what I said before, this is where the magic really happens.
// The fabled game loop.
do {
// If a direction key is entered, the jet direction is set to that key's
// direction. If F1 is entered, the QUIT endstate is triggered. If no
// key is entered, the jets are turned off.
if ((ch = getch()) != ERR) {
switch(ch) {
case KEY_UP: jetDir = UP; break;
case KEY_RIGHT: jetDir = RIGHT; break;
case KEY_DOWN: jetDir = DOWN; break;
case KEY_LEFT: jetDir = LEFT; break;
case KEY_F(1): end = true; endType = QUIT; break;
} else jetDir = NONE;
// If the jets should be on, turns them on.
if (jetDir != NONE) {
applyJet(&ship, jetDir);
// Like death and taxes, there's no getting away from gravity
// and friction.
// Figures out where the ship ought to be now.
moveShip(&ship, lASize, landscapeArray, sASize, safeArray);
// Updates the clock, ticking up mercilessly all the while.
mvprintw(3, 1, "Time: %d", time++);
// Slows the program down to human-comprehendable speed.
nanosleep(&s, NULL);
} while (!end);
// If a game end is triggers, tests what flavour of end it is.
switch(endType) {
case CRASH:
mvprintw(6, COLS/3, "AW MAAAAN");
mvprintw(7, COLS/3, "Press r to restart");
while ((ch = getch()) != 'r'){}
// I'm so sorry Edsger.
goto restart;
case LAND:
score = getScore(&ship, time);
mvprintw(6, COLS/3, "YOU LANDED");
mvprintw(7, COLS/3, "Your score: %f", score);
mvprintw(8, COLS/3, "Press r to restart");
while ((ch = getch()) != 'r'){}
goto restart;
case QUIT:
// Ends curses mode, else the terminal would play up afterwards.
// Then calls it a night.
return 0;
* Initialises ncurses.
* I couldn't decide whether it should be `initialisencurses()`,
* `initialiseNCURSES()` or `initialiseNcurses()`. In the end I plumped for
* `initialisencurses()` because, whilst it does break the camelCase rule I've
* used throughout for variables and functions, ncurses is one of those trendy
* uncapitalised names.
void initialisencurses() {
// Starts ncurses mode.
// Starts the colour functionality.
// Disables line buffering.
// Keeps the program from hanging around waiting for character entry.
nodelay(stdscr, TRUE);
// Enables the keyboard.
keypad(stdscr, TRUE);
// Disables echoing user input.
// Hides the cursor.
* Initialises the ship's parameters.
* @param ship the ship in question
void initialiseShip(SHIP* ship) {
// The ship displays thusly: *
ship->height = 1;
ship->width = 1;
ship->graphics.bod = '*';
// The ship starts at the centre top of the terminal.
ship->starty = 2;
ship->startx = (COLS - ship->width)/2;
ship->xF = ship->startx;
ship->yF = ship->starty;
ship->lastx = ship->startx;
ship->lasty = ship->starty;
// The ship starts fueled, and with a little bit of upward momentum
// to keep the player from getting caught too unawares and careening
// straight into a cliff (still happens).
ship->fuel = STARTING_FUEL;
ship->yMomentum = -0.5f;
* Initialises the landscape's parameters.
* @param landscape the landscape in question
void initialiseLandscape(LANDSCAPE* landscape) {
// The landscape spans the width of the console window and starts halfway
// down it.
landscape->height = LINES - 7;
landscape->width = COLS;
landscape->starty = LINES / 2;
landscape->startx = 0;
// Landscape graphics
landscape-> = '/';
landscape-> = '|';
landscape-> = '|';
landscape->graphics.rd = '\\';
landscape-> = '_';
* Creates the ship in the game world.
* @param ship the ship in question
void createShip(SHIP* ship) {
int x, y;
x = ship->startx;
y = ship->starty;
mvaddch(y, x, ship->graphics.bod | A_BOLD);
ship->xMomentum = 0;
ship->yMomentum = 0;
* Creates the landscape in the game world.
* @param landscape the landscape in question
* @param landscapeArray[] the array of all the coordinates of the landscape
* components
* @param safeArray[] the array of all the coordinates of the landing pad
* components
* @return true if the landscape is valid (has at least one landing pad), false
* if not
bool createLandscape(LANDSCAPE* landscape, unsigned int landscapeArray[],
unsigned int safeArray[]) {
int x = landscape->startx;
int y = landscape->starty;
int dir;
bool landingPad = false;
int w = landscape->width;
int h = landscape->height;
// Wipes the previous landscape attempts, if there were any.
for(int j = y; j <= y + h; ++j)
for(int i = x; i <= x + w; ++i)
mvaddch(j, i, ' ');
// Seeds C's psuedorandom number generator.
// Starts the landscape off with a fruity left incline.
landscapeArray[0] = x; landscapeArray[1] = y;
mvaddch(y--, x++, landscape->;
int lastPiece = LEFT_INCLINE;
// Indexes for adding coordinates to the two arrays.
size_t lA = 2; size_t sA = 0;
for (; x <= landscape->width; x++) {
// Gives a value between 0-4, or the four valid landscape
// component identifiers.
dir = (rand() % 5);
// Places the appropriate piece at the correct point, altering the
// y-index if necessary; if placing a piece would result in the
// landscape going beyond the top and bottom boundaries set for it,
// `x` is rewound and a new piece selected.
switch(dir) {
if (y - 1 > 10) {
switch(lastPiece) {
x++; y--; break;
y--; break;
landscapeArray[lA++] = x; landscapeArray[lA++] = y;
mvaddch(y--, x, landscape->;
} else --x;
if ((y - 1 > 10) && (lastPiece != STRAIGHT_DOWN)) {
switch(lastPiece) {
y--; break;
landscapeArray[lA++] = x; landscapeArray[lA++] = y;
mvaddch(y--, x--, landscape->;
} else --x;
if ((y + 1 < (LINES - 2)) && (lastPiece != STRAIGHT_UP)) {
switch(lastPiece) {
y++; break;
x--; break;
y++; break;
landscapeArray[lA++] = x; landscapeArray[lA++] = y;
mvaddch(y++, x--, landscape->;
} else --x;
if (y + 1 < (LINES - 2)) {
switch(lastPiece) {
y++; break;
x++; break;
x++; break;
y++; break;
landscapeArray[lA++] = x; landscapeArray[lA++] = y;
mvaddch(y++, x, landscape->graphics.rd);
} else --x;
switch(lastPiece) {
x++; y--;
y--; break;
// For every plateau, there is a chance it will form a landing pad.
if ((rand() % CHANCE_OF_LANDING_PAD) == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++) {
safeArray[sA++] = x; safeArray[sA++] = y;
landscapeArray[lA++] = x; landscapeArray[lA++] = y;
mvaddch(y, x++, landscape-> | A_BOLD);
landingPad = true;
} else mvaddch(y, x, landscape->;
lastPiece = dir;
// Returns whether the generated landscape has a landing pad or not.
return landingPad;
* Applies the thrust of the jet to the ship.
* If the ship is out of fuel, the jets won't fire.
* @param ship the ship in question
* @param dir the thrust direction
void applyJet(SHIP* ship, unsigned int dir) {
if (ship->fuel > 0) {
// Shows the player their remaining fuel balance.
if (ship->fuel == 0)
mvprintw(2,1,"Fuel: %d", ship->fuel);
if (ship->fuel == 0)
// Adds a bit of momentum in the chosen direction.
switch(dir) {
case UP:
if(ship->yMomentum >= -1) ship->yMomentum -= 0.2f; break;
case RIGHT:
if(ship->xMomentum <= 1) ship->xMomentum += 0.2f; break;
case DOWN:
if(ship->yMomentum <= 1) ship->yMomentum += 0.2f; break;
case LEFT:
if(ship->xMomentum >= -1) ship->xMomentum -= 0.2f; break;
* Applies the relentless march of gravity to the ship.
* @param ship the ship in question
void applyGravity(SHIP* ship) {
if (ship->yMomentum <= TERMINAL_VELOCITY) ship->yMomentum += 0.05f;
* Applies the equally relentless force of friction to the ship.
* @param ship the ship in question
void applyFriction(SHIP* ship) {
// Takes off a bit of the up/down speed.
if (ship->yMomentum > 0.0f)
ship->yMomentum -= 0.025f;
ship->yMomentum += 0.025f;
// Then does the same for the left/right speed.
if (ship->xMomentum > 0.0f)
ship->xMomentum -= 0.025f;
ship->xMomentum += 0.025f;
* Moves the ship within the game world.
* @param ship the ship in question
* @param lASize the length of useful data in `landscapeArray`
* @param landscapeArray the array of coordinates for the components of the
* landscape
* @param sASize the length of useful data in `safeArray`
* @param safeArray the array of coordinates for the components of the
* landing pad(s)
void moveShip(SHIP* ship, size_t lASize, unsigned int landscapeArray[],
size_t sASize, unsigned int safeArray[]) {
// Adds the ships momentum to its current location.
ship->xF += ship->xMomentum;
ship->yF += ship->yMomentum;
// Displays the momentum for the player.
mvprintw(1,1,"Momentum: %f,%f", ship->xMomentum, ship->yMomentum);
// Rounds the floating point coordinates to the nearest integer coords
signed int x = round(ship->xF);
signed int y = round(ship->yF);
// Gets the coordinates the ship used to be at.
signed int prevX = ship->lastx;
signed int prevY = ship->lasty;
// Deletes the ship from its old coordinates.
mvaddch(prevY, prevX, ' ');
mvprintw(11, 1, "%d, %d", safeArray[0], safeArray[1]);
mvprintw(12, 1, "%d, %d", safeArray[8], safeArray[9]);
mvprintw(13, 1, "%d, %d", safeArray[16], safeArray[17]);
mvprintw(15, 1, "%d, %d", x, y);
// Runs though the `landscapeArray` to see the the ship's new location
// means a collision with any landscape features.
for (size_t i = 0; i <= lASize; i++) {
if ((landscapeArray[i] == x) && (landscapeArray[++i] == y)) {
// If there is a collision, runs through the `safeArray` too see if
// the feature is a landing pad.
for (int j = 0; j <= sASize; j++) {
if ((safeArray[j] == x) && (safeArray[++j] == y)) {
// If it is a landing pad, and the user has invincibility turned
// on, lands the ship.
if (invincible) {
end = true;
endType = LAND;
} else {
// Else, if the player comes in sufficiently slowly, lands the
// ship.
if (ship->yMomentum <= 0.8f) {
end = true;
endType = LAND;
// Otherwise, the player crashes and burns.
if (!end) {
end = true;
endType = CRASH;
// Colours the ship in red if it's crashed.
if (endType == CRASH)
else if (endType == LAND)
// Draws the ship at its new coordinates.
mvaddch(y, x, ship->graphics.bod | A_BOLD);
if (endType == CRASH)
else if (endType == LAND)
// If the ship has exceeded the top of the screen, adds a small arrow
// to show the column the ship is in.
if (y < 0) {
for (int i = 0; i <= COLS; i++)
mvaddch(0, i, ' ');
mvaddch(0, x, '^' | A_BOLD);
mvprintw(0, 1, "Press F1 to exit");
} else {
for (int i = 0; i <= COLS; i++)
mvaddch(0, i, ' ');
mvprintw(0, 1, "Press F1 to exit");
// Stores the new coordinates for comparison next time the function is run.
ship->lastx = x;
ship->lasty = y;
// Pushes the new ship to the terminal.
* Displays the lovely ASCII lunar lander I nicked.
void displayIntro() {
// I assumed I would be able to fit all this in one line-broken `printw()`
// statement, but it didn't seem to want to play ball.
printw(" _ _ ____________.--. _____ ___ ___ ___\n");
printw(" |\\|_|//_.-\"\" .' \\ /| | | || || || |\n");
printw(" |.-\"\"\"-.| / \\_/ | | | | | || | || | || | |\n");
printw(" \\ || /| __\\_____________ | |_|_|_||___||___||_|_|\n");
printw(" _\\_||_/_| .-\"\" \"\"-. __ by rumps\n");
printw(" .' '. \\// \".\\/\n");
printw(" || '. >()_ |()< press 'a' to start\n");
printw(" ||__.-' |/\\ \\ |/\\\n");
printw(" | / \"| \\__________________/.\"\"\n");
printw(" / // | / \\ \"-.__________/ /\\\n");
printw(" ___|__/_|__|/___\\___\".______//__/__\\\n");
printw(" /|\\ [____________] \\__/ |\n");
printw(" //\\ \\ | |=====| | /\\\\ |\\\\\n");
printw(" // |\\ \\ | |=====| | | \\\\ | \\\\ ____...____..\n");
printw(" .//__| \\ \\ | |=====| | | |\\\\ |--\\\\---\"\"\"\" . \n");
printw("_____....-//___| \\_\\ | |=====| | |_|_\\\\ |___\\\\ . \n");
printw(" . .//-.__|_______|__|_____|_|_____[__\\\\_____|__.-\\\\ . . ...\n");
printw(" // // / \\ `-_\\\\/ \\\\ .....:::\n");
printw(" -... // . / / /____________\\ \\\\ . \\ \\ . \n");
printw(" // .. .-/_/-. . \\\\ .-\\_\\-. \n");
printw(" / / '-----' . \\ \\ '._____.' .\n");
printw(" .-/_/-. . .-\\_\\-. .\n");
printw(" '._____.' . '._____.' .....\n");
printw(" JRO ...... . .. (ASCII nicked from\n");
* Works out the player's score upon successful landing.
* The specification states "score is calculated using some heuristic based on
* time used and fuel remaining." Heuristic sounds fancy, and so is the method
* of working out the score.
* @param ship the ship in question
* @return the score
double getScore(SHIP* ship, unsigned int time) {
unsigned int fuel = ship->fuel;
switch(rand() % 3) {
case 0:
return (double)(cos(fuel) * (time / 2));
case 1:
return (double)(sin(time * 2) - (time / 3) + fuel);
case 2:
return (double)(tan(tan(fuel + time)) + 2);
return rand() % 1000;