Added in Level 8. Also removed the walls that the player had to pass through in levels 4 onwards. Edited Level 4 to introduce spikes and added a 'SPIKES' layer in Tiled. Also added the texture to assets. Unfortunately my code is wrong and it isn't working so level 4 is currently broken.
33 lines
1.3 KiB
33 lines
1.3 KiB
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<map version="1.0" orientation="orthogonal" renderorder="right-down" width="50" height="8" tilewidth="64" tileheight="64" nextobjectid="31">
<tileset firstgid="1" name="platformSet" tilewidth="64" tileheight="64" tilecount="3" columns="3">
<image source="../spritesheets/platformSet.png" width="192" height="64"/>
<tileset firstgid="4" name="player" tilewidth="64" tileheight="64" tilecount="1" columns="1">
<image source="../textures/player_red.png" width="64" height="64"/>
<layer name="PLATFORM" width="50" height="8">
<data encoding="base64" compression="zlib">
<objectgroup name="PLAYER">
<object id="24" gid="4" x="0" y="128" width="64" height="64"/>
<objectgroup name="BOUNDARY">
<object id="23" x="0" y="-192">
<polyline points="0,0 0,1024 3328,1024 3328,0 0,0"/>
<objectgroup name="FAILBOUNDARY">
<object id="29" x="0" y="704">
<polyline points="0,0 3328,0 3328,128 0,128 0,0"/>
<objectgroup name="PASSBOUNDARY">
<object id="30" x="3200" y="-192">
<polyline points="0,0 0,640 128,640 128,0 0,0"/>
<objectgroup name="SPIKES"/>