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import re
from datetime import datetime
from django.utils.dateparse import parse_datetime
from allauthdemo.polls.models import Event
from allauthdemo.polls.models import Poll
from allauthdemo.polls.models import PollOption
from allauthdemo.polls.models import EmailUser
from allauthdemo.auth.models import DemoUser
Goal: Convert the new form data (from the updated DEMOS2 UI) returned to '/event/create' into
an Event object that can be persisted via a Model to the DB
Author: Vincent de Almeida
Created: 11/06/2018
# TODO: Define a validation function that can do back-end verification on top of the front end validation
# TODO: Validation can make use of __contains__ from QueryDict:
class EventModelAdaptor:
# Raw data from form and django
form_data = None
user = None
# Used for validating the form data
form_data_validation = None
invalid_form_fields = {}
validation_starts_at = None
validation_ends_at = None
# Extracted form data
event_name = None
identifier = None
starts_at = None
ends_at = None
organisers = []
trustees = []
voters = []
# Each element of the map has a sub array with 2 elements - poll and associated options
polls_options_map = []
# Event Model Object containing all the extracted data
event = None
def __init__(self, form_data, user):
self.form_data = form_data.copy()
self.form_data_validation = form_data.copy()
self.user = user
def isFormDataValid(self, events, demo_users):
nameValid = self.__isNameValid(events)
identifierValid = self.__isIdentifierValid(events)
eventTimingsValid = self.__isEventTimingsValid()
pollsValid = self.__arePollsValid()
organisersEmailsValid = self.__areOrganisersEmailsValid(demo_users)
trusteesEmailsValid = self.__areTrusteeEmailsValid()
votersListValid = self.__isVotersListValid()
return nameValid \
and identifierValid \
and eventTimingsValid \
and pollsValid \
and organisersEmailsValid \
and trusteesEmailsValid \
and votersListValid
def __isNameValid(self, events):
valid = True
event_name = self.form_data_validation.pop('name-input')[0]
if event_name == '':
self.invalid_form_fields['event_name'] = {'error': 'The event name field is blank.'}
valid = False
for event in events:
if event.title == event_name:
self.invalid_form_fields['event_name'] = {'error': "The event name '" + event_name + "' is already in use."}
valid = False
self.invalid_form_fields['event_name_data'] = {'val': event_name}
return valid
def __isIdentifierValid(self, events):
valid = True
identifier = self.form_data_validation.pop('identifier-input')[0]
if identifier == '':
self.invalid_form_fields['identifier'] = {'error': 'The event slug field is blank.'}
valid = False
for event in events:
if event.EID == identifier:
self.invalid_form_fields['identifier'] = {'error': "The event slug '" + identifier + "' is already in use."}
valid = False
self.invalid_form_fields['identifier_data'] = {'val': identifier}
return valid
def __isVoteStartValid(self):
valid = True
# Extract start and end times as string and convert to datetime to perform validation
# The UTC offset comes with a colon i.e. '+01:00' which needs to be removed
validation_error = "The voting start date and time format is invalid."
starts_at_input = self.form_data_validation.pop('vote-start-input')[0]
if starts_at_input == '':
self.invalid_form_fields['starts_at'] = {'error': 'The voting start time is blank.'}
return False
starts_at = starts_at_input
starts_at_offset_index = starts_at.find('+')
if starts_at_offset_index != -1:
# timezone data has been supplied so use parse_datetime from django
starts_at_time = starts_at[0: starts_at_offset_index - 1].replace(' ', 'T')
starts_at_offset = starts_at[starts_at_offset_index:].replace(':', '')
starts_at = starts_at_time + starts_at_offset
starts_at = parse_datetime(starts_at)
if starts_at is None:
self.invalid_form_fields['starts_at'] = {'error': validation_error}
valid = False
except ValueError:
self.invalid_form_fields['starts_at'] = {'error': validation_error}
valid = False
# No Timezone data has been supplied so use strptime instead
starts_at = datetime.strptime(starts_at, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
if starts_at is None:
self.invalid_form_fields['starts_at'] = {'error': validation_error}
valid = False
except ValueError:
self.invalid_form_fields['starts_at'] = {'error': validation_error}
valid = False
self.validation_starts_at = starts_at
self.invalid_form_fields['starts_at_data'] = {'val': starts_at_input}
return valid
def __isVoteEndValid(self):
valid = True
validation_error = "The voting end date and time format is invalid."
ends_at_input = self.form_data_validation.pop('vote-end-input')[0]
if ends_at_input == '':
self.invalid_form_fields['ends_at'] = {'error': 'The voting end time is blank.'}
return False
ends_at = ends_at_input
ends_at_offset_index = ends_at.find('+')
if ends_at_offset_index != -1:
# timezone data has been supplied so use parse_datetime from django
ends_at_time = ends_at[0:ends_at_offset_index - 1].replace(' ', 'T')
ends_at_offset = ends_at[ends_at_offset_index:].replace(':', '')
ends_at = ends_at_time + ends_at_offset
ends_at = parse_datetime(ends_at)
if ends_at is None:
self.invalid_form_fields['ends_at'] = {'error': validation_error}
valid = False
except ValueError:
self.invalid_form_fields['ends_at'] = {'error': validation_error}
valid = False
# No Timezone data has been supplied so use strptime instead
ends_at = datetime.strptime(ends_at, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
if ends_at is None:
self.invalid_form_fields['ends_at'] = {'error': validation_error}
valid = False
except ValueError:
self.invalid_form_fields['ends_at'] = {'error': validation_error}
valid = False
# Store the ends_at for further validation as well as the original data val
self.validation_ends_at = ends_at
self.invalid_form_fields['ends_at_data'] = {'val': ends_at_input}
return valid
def __isEventTimingsValid(self):
# Ensure that the start and end times are independently valid and then ensure they don't overlap
# in an invalid manner
voteStartValid = self.__isVoteStartValid()
voteEndValid = self.__isVoteEndValid()
eventTimingsValid = True
# Ensure that the start date is before the end date and that the end is after the start
if voteStartValid and voteEndValid:
if not self.validation_starts_at < self.validation_ends_at and self.validation_ends_at > self.validation_starts_at:
self.invalid_form_fields['event_timings'] = {'error': 'The start date must be before the end date and the end after the start date.'}
eventTimingsValid = False
return voteStartValid and voteEndValid and eventTimingsValid
def __arePollsValid(self):
valid = True
# Get the poll count
poll_count = int(self.form_data_validation.pop('poll-count-input')[0])
polls_json = []
errors_summary = "The following poll # have errors: "
for i in range(poll_count):
# Whether there are errors for this specific poll
poll_valid = True
# JSON representation of the poll
poll_json = {}
# JSON struct for defining errors in the poll
poll_errors_json = {}
# String version of i
i_str = str(i)
poll_json['no'] = {'val': i_str}
# Inspect all of the options for this poll
options = self.form_data_validation.pop('option-name-input-' + i_str)
options_list = []
blank_count = 0
for option in options:
if option == '':
blank_count += 1
# Add back the blank options to the option list not including the hidden one
for i in range(blank_count-1):
# blank count is expected to be 1 due to the hidden option row that's cloned in the
# front end every time a new option is added
if blank_count > 1:
poll_errors_json['options'] = {'val': "There are " + str(blank_count-1) + " blank poll options"}
valid = False
poll_valid = False
poll_json['options'] = {'val': options_list}
# Ensure that the poll question / statement isn't blank
name = self.form_data_validation.pop('question-name-input-' + i_str)[0]
if name == '':
poll_errors_json['name'] = {'val': "The poll name is blank."}
valid = False
poll_valid = False
# Record the poll name in the JSON representation of the poll
poll_json['name'] = {'val': name}
# Validate the min max poll option selections
min_num_selections_str = self.form_data_validation.pop('minimum-input-' + i_str)[0]
max_num_selections_str = self.form_data_validation.pop('maximum-input-' + i_str)[0]
errors = ""
if min_num_selections_str == '':
errors = "The minimum selection cannot be blank. "
valid = False
poll_valid = False
min_num_selections = None
min_num_selections = int(min_num_selections_str)
if min_num_selections < 0:
errors = "The minimum selection cannot be less than zero. "
valid = False
poll_valid = False
if min_num_selections > len(options) - blank_count:
if len(errors) > 0:
errors = errors + "and it cannot be more than the number of options. "
errors = "The minimum selection cannot be greater than the number of options. "
valid = False
poll_valid = False
if max_num_selections_str == '':
max_sel_blank_err = "The maximum selection cannot be blank. "
if len(errors) > 0:
errors = errors + max_sel_blank_err
errors = max_sel_blank_err
valid = False
poll_valid = False
max_num_selections = None
max_num_selections = int(max_num_selections_str)
if min_num_selections > max_num_selections:
min_gt_max_err = "The minimum selection cannot be greater than the maximum. "
if len(errors) > 0:
errors = errors + min_gt_max_err
errors = min_gt_max_err
valid = False
poll_valid = False
if max_num_selections < 0:
max_less_zero_err = "The maximum cannot be less than 0. "
if len(errors) > 0:
errors = errors + max_less_zero_err
errors = max_less_zero_err
valid = False
poll_valid = False
if max_num_selections > len(options) - blank_count:
max_options_err = "The max number of option selections cannot be more than the number of options."
if len(errors) > 0:
errors = errors + max_options_err
errors = max_options_err
valid = False
poll_valid = False
# Record the min max poll option selection values in the JSON rep of the poll
poll_json['min_selection'] = {'val': min_num_selections}
poll_json['max_selection'] = {'val': max_num_selections}
except ValueError:
max_opts_input_err = "The maximum option selection input is not valid. "
if len(errors) > 0:
errors = errors + max_opts_input_err
errors = max_opts_input_err
valid = False
poll_valid = False
except ValueError:
errors = "The minimum option selection input is not valid."
valid = False
poll_valid = False
poll_errors_json['min_max'] = {'val': errors}
# Store the errors as part of the JSON rep of the poll
poll_json['errors'] = {'val': poll_errors_json}
# Add the poll rep to the list of polls
# If the validation for the poll has failed, add it to the error summary
if not poll_valid:
errors_summary = errors_summary + str(i + 1) + " "
self.invalid_form_fields['polls_data'] = {'val': polls_json}
if not valid and len(errors_summary) > 34:
errors_summary = errors_summary + "and can be corrected by editing them."
self.invalid_form_fields['polls_errors'] = {'error': errors_summary}
return valid
def __areOrganisersEmailsValid(self, demo_users):
valid = True
# Create a list of emails from the demo users
emails = []
for user in demo_users:
# Check that the list of organiser emails are actually valid
organisers_list_input = self.form_data_validation.pop('organiser-email-input')
organisers_list = []
blank_count = 0
error = "The following email(s) supplied are not organisers: "
for organiser in organisers_list_input:
if organiser != '':
if organiser not in emails:
error = error + organiser + " "
valid = False
blank_count += 1
if blank_count > 1:
if not valid:
error = error + " and there are " + str(blank_count - 1) + " blank organiser inputs."
error = "There are " + str(blank_count - 1) + " blank organiser inputs."
valid = False
# This adds in blank organisers so that the template can render them for the user to fix
for i in range(blank_count - 1):
if not valid:
self.invalid_form_fields['organiser_emails'] = {'error': error}
self.invalid_form_fields['organiser_emails_data'] = {'val': organisers_list}
return valid
def __areTrusteeEmailsValid(self):
valid = True
# Check that the list of trustees is valid
trustees_list_input = self.form_data_validation.pop('trustee-email-input')
trustees_list = []
error = "The following email(s) supplied are not valid: "
blank_count = 0
for trustee in trustees_list_input:
if trustee != '':
match = re.match(r'[^\s@]+@[^\s@]+\.[^\s@]+', trustee)
if match is None:
error = error + trustee + " "
valid = False
blank_count += 1
if blank_count > 1:
if not valid:
error = error + " and there are " + str(blank_count - 1) + " blank trustee inputs."
error = "There are " + str(blank_count - 1) + " blank trustee inputs."
valid = False
# This adds in blank trustees so that the template can render them for the user to fix
for i in range(blank_count - 1):
if not valid:
self.invalid_form_fields['trustee_emails'] = {'error': error}
self.invalid_form_fields['trustee_emails_data'] = {'val': trustees_list}
return valid
def __isVotersListValid(self):
valid = True
# Check that the list of voters is valid
voters_csv_string = self.form_data_validation.pop('voters-list-input')[0].replace(' ', '')
if voters_csv_string == '':
self.invalid_form_fields['voters_emails'] = {'error': 'The voters list is blank.'}
self.invalid_form_fields['voters_emails_data'] = {'val': voters_csv_string}
return False
voters_email_list = voters_csv_string.split(',')
error = "The following email(s) supplied are not valid: "
for voter_email in voters_email_list:
if voter_email != '' and re.match(r'[^\s@]+@[^\s@]+\.[^\s@]+', voter_email) is None:
error = error + voter_email + " "
valid = False
if not valid:
self.invalid_form_fields['voters_emails'] = {'error': error}
self.invalid_form_fields['voters_emails_data'] = {'val': voters_csv_string}
return valid
def getInvalidFormFields(self):
return self.invalid_form_fields
def extractData(self):
# Extract name and identifier first
self.event_name = self.form_data.pop('name-input')[0]
self.identifier = self.form_data.pop('identifier-input')[0]
# Extract start and end times as string and convert to datetime
# The UTC offset comes with a colon i.e. '+01:00' which needs to be removed
starts_at = self.form_data.pop('vote-start-input')[0]
starts_at_offset_index = starts_at.find('+')
if starts_at_offset_index != -1:
# timezone data has been supplied so use parse_datetime from django
starts_at_time = starts_at[0: starts_at_offset_index-1].replace(' ', 'T')
starts_at_offset = starts_at[starts_at_offset_index:].replace(':', '')
starts_at = starts_at_time + starts_at_offset
self.starts_at = parse_datetime(starts_at)
# No Timezone data has been supplied so use strptime instead
self.starts_at = datetime.strptime(starts_at, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
ends_at = self.form_data.pop('vote-end-input')[0]
ends_at_offset_index = ends_at.find('+')
if ends_at_offset_index != -1:
# timezone data has been supplied so use parse_datetime from django
ends_at_time = ends_at[0:ends_at_offset_index-1].replace(' ', 'T')
ends_at_offset = ends_at[ends_at_offset_index:].replace(':', '')
ends_at = ends_at_time + ends_at_offset
self.ends_at = parse_datetime(ends_at)
# No Timezone data has been supplied so use strptime instead
self.ends_at = datetime.strptime(ends_at, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
# Extract the list of organisers
organisers_list = self.form_data.pop('organiser-email-input')
for organiser in organisers_list:
if organiser != '' and DemoUser.objects.filter(email=organiser).count() == 1:
# Extract the list of trustees
trustees_list = self.form_data.pop('trustee-email-input')
for trustee in trustees_list:
if trustee != '':
if EmailUser.objects.filter(email=trustee).count() == 1:
# Extract the email list of voters
voters_csv_string = self.form_data.pop('voters-list-input')[0].replace(' ', '')
voters_email_list = voters_csv_string.split(',')
for voter_email in voters_email_list:
if voter_email != '':
if EmailUser.objects.filter(email=voter_email).count() == 1:
# Create the Event model object - this does not persist it to the DB
self.event = Event(start_time=self.starts_at,
creator=self.user.first_name + ' ' + self.user.last_name,,
def __gen_polls_options_map(self):
# Get the poll count (the number of poll and options that have been defined)
poll_count = int(self.form_data.pop('poll-count-input')[0])
for i in range(poll_count):
# String version of i
i_str = str(i)
# Generate PollOption objects from the option data defined in form_data
options = self.form_data.pop('option-name-input-' + i_str)
poll_options_list = []
votes = 0
for option in options:
if option != '':
poll_options_list.append(PollOption(choice_text=option, votes=votes))
# Extract required Poll object data and create a poll with its PollOption objects
text = self.form_data.pop('question-name-input-' + i_str)[0]
min_num_selections = int(self.form_data.pop('minimum-input-' + i_str)[0])
max_num_selections = int(self.form_data.pop('maximum-input-' + i_str)[0])
poll = Poll(question_text=text,
self.polls_options_map.append([poll, poll_options_list])
# Instantiate all the polls and their associated poll options
def __get_instantiated_polls(self):
polls = []
for poll_option_map in self.polls_options_map:
poll = poll_option_map[0]
poll_options = poll_option_map[1]
# Save the poll to the db
# Instantiate poll options
for option in poll_options:
option.question = poll
poll.options = poll_options
return polls
def updateModel(self):
# First thing to do is persist the event object to the db
# with basic data before adding things like poll data
# List of organisers should already be instantiated and present in the db
# so it can just be added
self.event.users_organisers = self.organisers
# Add the list of trustees to the event, making sure they're instantiated
for trustee in self.trustees:
if EmailUser.objects.filter( == 0:
self.event.users_trustees = self.trustees
# Add the list of voters to the event, making sure they're instantiated
for voter in self.voters:
if EmailUser.objects.filter( == 0:
self.event.voters = self.voters
# Extract all the poll data for the event and associated poll option data
# This can only be done at this point as the event has been persisted
# Get the instantiated list of polls which have already instantiated options
self.event.polls = self.__get_instantiated_polls()
# Finally perform a data clean up
def __clear_data(self):
self.form_data = None
self.form_data_validation = None
self.invalid_form_fields = {}
self.validation_starts_at = None
self.validation_ends_at = None
self.user = None
self.event_name = None
self.identifier = None
self.starts_at = None
self.ends_at = None
self.organisers[:] = []
self.trustees[:] = []
self.voters[:] = []
self.polls_options_map[:] = []
self.event = None