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1167 lines
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Executable File

// Form submission and validation
var updateModes = {create: 1, update: 2, delete: 3};
var submitBtn = $("#submit-event-create");
var submitBtnLabel = "Create Event";
var submitBtnWaitLabel = "Please wait...";
var submitBtnErrLabel = "Errors Found";
var dateRegex = /^[0-9]{4}-(((0[13578]|(10|12))-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1]))|(02-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]))|((0[469]|11)-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|30)))\s[0-9]?[0-9]:[0-9]{2}\s\+[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$/;
var emailRegex = /^[^\s@]+@[^\s@]+\.[^\s@]+$/;
var reCaptchaValid = false;
var generalErrorBlock = document.getElementById('all-errors-help-block');
var errors = [];
var create = true;
var pollCount = 0;
var pollIndex = 0;
var pollEditActive = false;
var numOfOpts = 2;
function finalisePolls() {
// Update the value of the poll count input
// Remove the empty and hidden poll row from the poll table
var formset = $(".formset[data-formset-prefix='polls']");
var emptyForm = formset.children('.formset-form-empty');
$("#election-form").submit(function(e) {
// Intercept submission of form and temporarily suspend it
var form = this;
// Get a reference to the submit button
submitBtn.prop('disabled', true);
// Disable the cancel button during validation
var cancelBtn = $("#cancel-event-create");
cancelBtn.prop('disabled', true);
// Perform input validation
var formDataValid = isFormValid();
if( formDataValid === true ) {
} else {
function validateForm() {
var formDataValid = isFormValid();
if( formDataValid === true ) {
} else {
function isFormValid() {
var nameValid = isNameValid();
var slugValid = isSlugValid();
var voteStartValid = isVoteStartValid();
var voteEndValid = isVoteEndValid();
var eventTimingsValid = isEventTimingsValid();
var pollCountValid = isPollCountValid();
var organisersEmailsValid = areOrganisersEmailsValid();
var trusteesEmailsValid = areTrusteesEmailsValid();
var votersListValid = isVotersListValid();
return nameValid && slugValid && voteStartValid && voteEndValid && pollCountValid
&& eventTimingsValid && organisersEmailsValid && trusteesEmailsValid && votersListValid;
function validateFormField(validationFn, helpBlockId) {
var valid = validationFn();
if(valid === false) {
} else {
if(reCaptchaValid === true) {
if(submitBtn.val() === submitBtnErrLabel) {
function isNameValid() {
// Based on a list of names supplied from the create_event html template
if(events_list !== undefined) {
var valid = true;
var event_name = $('#name-input').val().trim();
if(event_name === '') {
error: "The event name field is blank.",
helpBlockId: "name-input-error-block"
return false;
for(var i = 0; i < events_list.length; i++) {
var name = events_list[i].title;
if(name === event_name) {
valid = false;
// We need to flag this error to the user by generating an error that's
// later rendered
error: "The event name '" + event_name + "' is already in use.",
helpBlockId: "name-input-error-block"
return valid;
} else {
// Can't perform validation
return true;
$('#name-input').on('input', function (e) { // Validation performed with every keystroke
validateFormField(isNameValid, "name-input-error-block");
function isSlugValid() {
// Based on a list of identifiers supplied from the create_event html template
if(events_list !== undefined) {
var valid = true;
var event_slug = $('#identifier-input').val();
if(event_slug === '') {
error: "The event slug field is blank.",
helpBlockId: "identifier-input-error-block"
return false;
for(var i = 0; i < events_list.length; i++) {
var slug = events_list[i].slug;
if(slug === event_slug) {
valid = false;
// We need to flag this error to the user by generating an error that's
// later rendered
error: "The event slug '" + event_slug + "' is already in use.",
helpBlockId: "identifier-input-error-block"
return valid;
} else {
// Can't perform validation
return true;
$('#identifier-input').on('input', function(e) {
validateFormField(isSlugValid, "identifier-input-error-block");
function isVoteStartValid() {
var helpBlockId = "vote-start-input-error-block";
var start_date_time = $('#vote-start-input').val();
var valid = isDateValid(start_date_time);
if(valid === false) {
error: "The voting start date and time format is invalid.",
helpBlockId: helpBlockId
} else {
return valid;
$('#vote-start-input').change(function(e) {
validateFormField(isVoteStartValid, "vote-start-input-error-block");
$( "#vote-start-input" ).click(function() {
$( "#vote-start-input" ).change();
function isVoteEndValid() {
var helpBlockId = "vote-end-input-error-block";
var end_date_time = $('#vote-end-input').val();
var valid = isDateValid(end_date_time);
if(valid === false) {
error: "The voting end date and time format is invalid.",
helpBlockId: helpBlockId
return valid;
$('#vote-end-input').change(function(e) {
validateFormField(isVoteEndValid, "vote-end-input-error-block");
$( "#vote-end-input" ).click(function() {
$( "#vote-end-input" ).change();
// This is different to the start and end validation functions in that it will check whether or not
// the start and end times overlap in an invalid way i.e. end time is before start etc.
function isEventTimingsValid() {
var valid = true;
var helpBlockId = "event-timings-error-block";
// Extract the string val from the vote start and end input controls
var start_date_time = $('#vote-start-input').val();
var end_date_time = $('#vote-end-input').val();
// Convert the string vals to Date objects
var start_dateObj = new Date(start_date_time);
var end_dateObj = new Date(end_date_time);
// Ensure that the start date is before the end date and that the end date is after the start date
if(!(start_date_time < end_date_time)) {
error: "The start date must be before the end date and the end after the start date.",
helpBlockId: "event-timings-error-block"
valid = false;
} else {
return valid;
function isDateValid(date_time) {
return dateRegex.test(date_time);
function isPollCountValid() {
var valid = true;
if(pollCount < 1) {
error: "You need to define at least 1 poll.",
helpBlockId: "polls-input-error-block"
valid = false;
return valid;
function isPollQValid() {
var valid = true;
// Check question is valid
var question = $('#question-name-input-' + pollIndex).val();
if(question === '') {
error: "Question / Statement for the poll is blank.",
helpBlockId: "question-input-error-block-" + pollIndex
valid = false;
return valid;
function isPollOptionsValid() {
var valid = true;
var optsInputs = $('.option-formset #option-name-input-' + pollIndex);
var helpBlockId = "options-input-error-block-" + pollIndex;
if(numOfOpts < 1) {
error: "There needs to be at least 1 option",
helpBlockId: helpBlockId
return false;
var index = 0;
var errorStr = "Option ";
for(var i = 0; i < optsInputs.length; i++) {
var input = optsInputs[i];
if(input.placeholder.indexOf("X") === -1) {
if(input.value === ''){
errorStr = errorStr + (index+1) + " ";
valid = false;
if(valid === false) {
errorStr = errorStr + " is blank.";
error: errorStr,
helpBlockId: helpBlockId
return valid;
function isMinMaxSelectionValid() {
var valid = true;
var minInput = $('#minimum-input-' + pollIndex);
var minInputMinAttr = parseInt(minInput[0].min);
var minInputVal = minInput.val();
var helpBlockId = "selections-input-error-block-" + pollIndex;
var errorStr = "";
if(minInputVal === "" || minInputVal < minInputMinAttr) {
errorStr = "The minimum option selection value cannot be less than " + minInputMinAttr + " or blank";
valid = false;
} else if (minInputVal > numOfOpts) {
errorStr = "The minimum option selection value cannot be more than the number of options (" + numOfOpts + ")";
valid = false;
var maxInput = $('#maximum-input-' + pollIndex);
var maxInputMinAttr = parseInt(maxInput[0].min);
var maxInputVal = maxInput.val();
if(maxInputVal === "" || maxInputVal < maxInputMinAttr) {
if(errorStr !== '') {
errorStr = errorStr + " and the maximum cannot be less than " + maxInputMinAttr + " or blank";
} else {
errorStr = "The maximum option selection value cannot be less than " + maxInputMinAttr + " or blank";
valid = false;
} else if (maxInputVal > numOfOpts) {
if (errorStr !== '') {
errorStr = errorStr + " and the maximum cannot be more than the number of options (" + numOfOpts + ")";
} else {
errorStr = "The maximum option selection value (" + maxInputVal + ") cannot be more than the number of options (" + numOfOpts + ")";
valid = false;
if(valid === false) {
errorStr = errorStr + ".";
error: errorStr,
helpBlockId: helpBlockId
return valid;
function areOrganisersEmailsValid() {
var valid = true;
var organiserInputs = $('.organiser-formset #organiser-email-input');
var helpBlockId = "organisers-input-error-block";
var index = 0;
var errorBlankStr = "Organiser ";
var errorInvalidStr = "Organiser ";
var errorNotUserStr = "";
for(var i = 0; i < organiserInputs.length; i++) {
var input = organiserInputs[i];
if(input.placeholder.indexOf("X") === -1) {
// Check if the input field is blank
if(input.value === ''){
errorBlankStr = errorBlankStr + (index+1) + " ";
valid = false;
} else {
// Ensure that any email supplied is of a valid format
if (emailRegex.test(input.value) === false) {
errorInvalidStr = errorInvalidStr + (index + 1) + " ";
valid = false;
} else {
// If the email format is valid, ensure that an email of a registered DemoUser is being
// supplied and not a random email address
var foundMatch = user_emails.some(function (obj) {
return === input.value;
if(!foundMatch) {
errorNotUserStr = input.value + " is not a registered user and cannot be an organiser.";
valid = false;
if(valid === false) {
var errorStr = "";
// Will be greater than 10 if either a blank input or invalid input has been detected (10 char is the base
// length of the original err strings)
if( errorBlankStr.length > 10 ) {
errorStr = errorBlankStr + " email is blank. ";
if( errorInvalidStr.length > 10 ) {
errorStr = errorStr + errorInvalidStr + " email is invalid. ";
// This means an invalid user has been detected
if(errorNotUserStr.length > 0) {
errorStr = errorStr + errorNotUserStr;
error: errorStr,
helpBlockId: helpBlockId
return valid;
$('.organiser-formset #organiser-email-input').on('input', function(e) {
validateFormField(areOrganisersEmailsValid, "organisers-input-error-block");
function areTrusteesEmailsValid() {
var valid = true;
var trusteeInputs = $('.trustee-formset #trustee-email-input');
var helpBlockId = "trustees-input-error-block";
var index = 0;
var errorBlankStr = "Trustee ";
var errorInvalidStr = "Trustee ";
for(var i = 0; i < trusteeInputs.length; i++) {
var input = trusteeInputs[i];
if(input.placeholder.indexOf("X") === -1) {
// Check if the input field is blank
if(input.value === ''){
errorBlankStr = errorBlankStr + (index+1) + " ";
valid = false;
} else if (emailRegex.test(input.value) === false) {
errorInvalidStr = errorInvalidStr + (index+1) + " ";
valid = false;
if(valid === false) {
var errorStr = "";
// Will be greater than 8 if either a blank input or invalid input has been detected (8 char is the base
// length of the original err strings)
if( errorBlankStr.length > 8 ) {
errorStr = errorBlankStr + " email is blank. ";
if( errorInvalidStr.length > 8 ) {
errorStr = errorStr + errorInvalidStr + " email is invalid.";
error: errorStr,
helpBlockId: helpBlockId
return valid;
$('.trustee-formset #trustee-email-input').on('input', function(e) {
validateFormField(areTrusteesEmailsValid, "trustees-input-error-block");
function isVotersListValid() {
var valid = true;
var helpBlockId = "voters-input-error-block";
var votersInputVal = $('#voters-list-input').val();
// Check if the text area is blank
if(votersInputVal === '') {
error: "The voters list is blank.",
helpBlockId: helpBlockId
return false;
var errorStr = "";
var invalidCount = 0;
// Check whether one or multiple emails have been supplied
if(votersInputVal.indexOf(',') === -1) {
// Check the validity of the single email address
if(emailRegex.test(votersInputVal) === false) {
errorStr = errorStr + votersInputVal + " ";
valid = false;
} else {
// Proceed to check if the data within the text area is valid csv
var csvParseOutput = Papa.parse(votersInputVal);
if (csvParseOutput.errors.length > 0) {
error: "The voters list contains invalid data. It should be a csv list containing voter email addresses.",
helpBlockId: helpBlockId
return false;
// Check that the emails supplied are valid email addresses (using a basic regex)
var votersEmails =[0];
for(var i = 0; i < votersEmails.length; i++) {
var voter_email = votersEmails[i].replace(' ', '');
if (emailRegex.test(voter_email) === false) {
errorStr = errorStr + voter_email + " ";
valid = false;
if(valid === false) {
if(invalidCount > 1) {
errorStr = errorStr + "are invalid email addresses.";
} else {
errorStr = errorStr + "is an invalid email address.";
error: errorStr,
helpBlockId: helpBlockId
return valid;
$('#voters-list-input').change(function(e) {
validateFormField(isVotersListValid, "voters-input-error-block");
function checkAndAddError(newError) { // Ensures that an error hasn't already been pushed
var found = errors.some(function(error) {
return error.error === newError.error && error.helpBlockId === newError.helpBlockId
if(!found) {
function highlightErrors() {
// Generate the general list of errors
var baseGeneralString = "Errors were found in the form as follows:\n";
function highlightError(helpBlockId) {
for(var i = 0; i < errors.length; i++) {
var error = errors[i];
if(helpBlockId === error.helpBlockId) {
$('#' + helpBlockId).html(error.error);
function makeErrorUL() {
// Create the list element:
var list = document.createElement('ul');
for(var i = 0; i < errors.length; i++) {
// Perform list item generation
// Create the list item:
var item = document.createElement('li');
// Set its contents:
var errorText = errors[i].error;
// Add it to the list:
// Populate the error's associated error block with the data
$('#' + errors[i].helpBlockId).html(errorText);
return list;
function clearErrors() {
// Clear the errors array
// Clear the general list of errors
function clearError(helpBlockId) {
$('#' + helpBlockId).html('');
errors = errors.filter(e => e.helpBlockId !== helpBlockId);
// File handling
function processFileChange(event) {
var files =;
// By parsing the file we ensure that it's valid CSV at the client side. Papa parse
// also allows us to aggregate emails from multiple rows in a file.
if(files !== undefined
&& files[0] !== undefined) {
Papa.parse(files[0], {
complete: function(results) {
var errors = results.errors;
if(errors.length === 0) {
var data =;
var numRows = data.length;
var totalNumEmails = 0;
var emails = [];
if(numRows > 1) {
for(var i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
var numEmails = data[i].length;
totalNumEmails += numEmails;
for(var j = 0; j < numEmails; j++) {
} else if(numRows === 1) {
totalNumEmails = data[0].length;
for(var i = 0; i < totalNumEmails; i++) {
totalNumEmails + " email(s) have been successfully uploaded.");
$('#voters-list-input').val(emails.join(', '));
// Finally validate the form field
validateFormField(isVotersListValid, "voters-input-error-block");
} else {
// There were errors, so inform the user
.html("Error reading uploaded file! Check the format and try again")
var filesHandle = document.getElementById('files');
if(filesHandle) {
filesHandle.addEventListener('change', processFileChange, false);
function reCVerificationCallback() {
reCaptchaValid = true;
function reCExpiredCallback() {
reCaptchaValid = false;
submitBtn.prop('disabled', true);
// Slug field.
function slugify(value) {
return value.toString()
.replace(/[^\u0386\u0388-\u038A\u038C\u038E-\u03A1\u03A3-\u03CE\w\s-]+/g, '')
.replace(/^[-\s]+/, '')
.replace(/[-\s]+$/, '')
.replace(/[-\s]+/g, '-')
$('#name-input').on('input', function (e) {
var slugField = $('#identifier-input');
if (!'changed')) {
var name = $(this).val();
var maxLength = parseInt(slugField.attr('maxlength'));
var slug = slugify(name).substring(0, maxLength);
$('#identifier-input').change(function (e) {
$(this).data('changed', $(this).val().length > 0);
// Poll start and end
var datetime_now = window.moment().seconds(0);
var datetime_format = "YYYY-MM-DD H:mm";
$("#vote-start-input, #vote-end-input").each(function(index, element) {
// Set datetimepickers' current, default and minimum date/time
var datetime_picker = $(element);
var datetime_iso8601 = datetime_picker.siblings(".datetime-iso8601-input").val();
var datetime_local = moment(datetime_iso8601);
sideBySide: false,
minDate: datetime_now.clone().startOf("day"),
format: datetime_format,
widgetParent: $(datetime_picker)
var minutes = (Math.ceil(datetime_now.minute() / 5) * 5) + 5 * index;
var datetime_default = datetime_now.clone().minutes(minutes);"DateTimePicker").defaultDate(datetime_default);
datetime_local = datetime_local.isValid() ? datetime_local.format(datetime_format) : "";
$('#vote-start-input, #vote-end-input').parent('.date').datetimepicker({
allowInputToggle: true,
icons: {
time: 'fa fa-clock-o',
date: 'fa fa-calendar',
up: 'fa fa-chevron-up',
down: 'fa fa-chevron-down',
previous: 'fa fa-chevron-left',
next: 'fa fa-chevron-right'
minDate: moment().startOf('day'),
useCurrent: false,
locale: moment.utc()
// Form management and Sortable rows
function update(event, ui) {
var formsetPrefix = $('data-formset-prefix');
var formset = $('.formset[data-formset-prefix="' + formsetPrefix + '"]');
$("#polls-input-table, #organisers-input-table, #trustees-input-table").sortable({
items: "tr",
update: update
function updateFormset(formset) { // Ported from DEMOS 1. Updates the row number for the # and performs any removals.
var forms = formset.children('.formset-form:not(.formset-form-empty, .formset-form-removed)');
var removedForms = formset.children('.formset-form.formset-form-removed');
forms.each(function(index) {
updateForm($(this), index, updateModes.update);
removedForms.each(function(index) {
updateForm($(this), forms.length + index, updateModes.delete);
function updateForm(form, formIndex, mode) { // Ported from DEMOS 1.
// Specific update for option forms
var mayBeTextInput = form.find('input:text')[0];
if(mayBeTextInput !== undefined && mayBeTextInput.placeholder !== undefined) {
if( mayBeTextInput.placeholder.indexOf("Candidate") > -1) {
mayBeTextInput.placeholder = "Example: Candidate " + (formIndex + 1);
} else if (mayBeTextInput.placeholder.indexOf("trusteeX") > -1) {
mayBeTextInput.placeholder = "Example:";
} else if (mayBeTextInput.placeholder.indexOf("organiserX") > -1) {
mayBeTextInput.placeholder = "Example:";
var formset = form.parent('.formset');
var formsetPrefix = formset.attr('data-formset-prefix');
if (formsetPrefix === 'polls' && mode === updateModes.update) {
// Get a reference to the fields that need updating from the form including the table
var formFields = form.find('.formset-form-fields:first >');
var table = form.find('.table:first');
// Perform the ID updates on the fields based on the poll index
performFormInputUpdates(formFields, table, formIndex);
var formPrefix = formsetPrefix + '-' + formIndex;
var formPrefixRegex = new RegExp(formsetPrefix + '-(?:__prefix__|\\d+)');
form.find('*').addBack().each(function(index, element) {
$.each(this.attributes, function(index, attr) {
$(element).attr(attr.nodeName, function(index, attrValue) {
return attrValue.replace(formPrefixRegex, formPrefix);
form.find('input[name="' + formPrefix + '-ORDER"]').val(formIndex);
form.find('.formset-form-index:first').text(formIndex + 1);
function manageTotalForms(formset, value) { // Ported from DEMOS1.
var formsetPrefix = formset.attr('data-formset-prefix');
var totalForms = $('#id_' + formsetPrefix + '-TOTAL_FORMS');
var maxNumForms = $('#id_' + formsetPrefix + '-MAX_NUM_FORMS');
totalForms.val(parseInt(totalForms.val()) + value);
var addButton = $('.formset-add[data-formset-prefix="' + formsetPrefix + '"]');
var removedForms = formset.children('.formset-form.formset-form-removed');
addButton.prop('disabled', parseInt(totalForms.val()) - removedForms.length >= parseInt(maxNumForms.val()));
function updatePollFormInputs(form) {
// Obtain the cloned input fields for the dialog in order to update them
var clonedFields = form.find('.formset-form-fields:first >');
// Obtain a reference to the options table
var table = form.find('.table:first');
// Perform the ID updates on the fields based on the poll index
performFormInputUpdates(clonedFields, table, pollIndex);
function performFormInputUpdates(fields, table, index) {
// Update the table ID
table.attr("id", "options-table-" + index);
// Update the poll question / statement ID
.attr("id", "question-name-input-" + index)
.attr("name", "question-name-input-" + index);
// Update one of the help block IDs for various sections of the dialog
var pollQuestionErrorHelpBlock = fields.find("#question-input-error-block");
pollQuestionErrorHelpBlock.attr("id", "question-input-error-block-" + index);
var pollOptionsErrorHelpBlock = fields.find("#options-input-error-block");
pollOptionsErrorHelpBlock.attr("id", "options-input-error-block-" + index);
var pollSelectionsErrorHelpBlock = fields.find("#selections-input-error-block");
pollSelectionsErrorHelpBlock.attr("id", "selections-input-error-block-" + index);
// Update the poll option input IDs
var optsInputs = fields.find(".dialogO");
for(var i = 0; i < optsInputs.length; i++) {
var input = optsInputs[i]; = "option-name-input-" + index; = "option-name-input-" + index;
// Update the data-formset-prefix for correct referencing
var dataFormsetPrefix = "options-" + index;
var optionFormSet = fields.find(".option-formset");
optionFormSet.attr("data-formset-prefix", dataFormsetPrefix);
var addPollOptBtn = fields.find('.formset-add');
addPollOptBtn.attr("data-formset-prefix", dataFormsetPrefix);
// Update the poll min and max selection
.attr("id", "minimum-input-" + index)
.attr("name", "minimum-input-" + index);
.attr("id", "maximum-input-" + index)
.attr("name", "maximum-input-" + index);
function isDialogFormValid() {
var pollQValid = true;
var optsValid = true;
var minMaxSelValid = true;
// Check question is valid
var pollQErrorHelpBlockId = "question-input-error-block-" + pollIndex;
pollQValid = isPollQValid();
if(pollQValid === true) {
} else {
// Check opts are valid
var pollOptsErrorHelpBlockId = "options-input-error-block-" + pollIndex;
optsValid = isPollOptionsValid();
if(optsValid === true) {
} else {
// Check min and max selections are valid
var pollSelErrorHelpBlockId = "selections-input-error-block-" + pollIndex;
minMaxSelValid = isMinMaxSelectionValid();
if(minMaxSelValid === true) {
} else {
return pollQValid && optsValid && minMaxSelValid;
function updateSelectionsMaxAtrr() {
var minInput = $('#minimum-input-' + pollIndex);
var maxInput = $('#maximum-input-' + pollIndex);
// Get the vals from the selection inputs and update them if they exceed the new max
var minInputVal = minInput.val();
if(minInputVal !== '' && (minInputVal > numOfOpts)) {
var maxInputVal = maxInput.val();
if(maxInputVal !== '' && (maxInputVal > numOfOpts)) {
// Finally update the max attr to include the new total num of opts
minInput.attr("max", numOfOpts);
maxInput.attr("max", numOfOpts);
$('.formset-add').click(function (e) { // Ported from DEMOS1
var formsetPrefix = $(this).attr('data-formset-prefix');
var formset = $('.formset[data-formset-prefix="' + formsetPrefix + '"]');
var emptyForm = formset.children('.formset-form-empty');
var emptyFormCheckedInputs = emptyForm.find('input:checkbox:checked, input:radio:checked');
var form = emptyForm.clone(true).removeClass('formset-form-empty');
switch (formsetPrefix) {
case "polls":
// Set the index
pollIndex = pollCount;
// Update the IDs and names of all of the cloned input form fields based on the number of polls
// 2 is the default number of opts shown upon the launch of the dialog
numOfOpts = 2;
// New poll is being created so edit mode hasn't been activated
pollEditActive = false;
case "options-" + pollIndex:
clearError("options-input-error-block-" + pollIndex);
var formIndex = formset.children('.formset-form:not(.formset-form-empty)').length;
updateForm(form, formIndex, updateModes.create);
emptyFormCheckedInputs.each(function (index) {
$(this).prop('checked', true);
switch (formset.attr('data-formset-type')) {
case 'modal':
$('#formset-modal').data('form', form).data('formAdd', true).modal('show');
case 'inline':
manageTotalForms(formset, +1);
formset.trigger('formsetFormAdded', [form]);
$('.formset-form-remove').click(function (e) { // Ported from DEMOS1
var form = $(this).closest('.formset-form');
var formPrefix = form.attr('data-formset-form-prefix');
var formset = form.parent('.formset');
if ($('#id_' + formPrefix + '-id').val()) {
$('#id_' + formPrefix + '-DELETE').prop('checked', true);
form.addClass('formset-form-removed hidden');
} else {
manageTotalForms(formset, -1);
// We need to reduce the poll count if we've removed a poll
if(formPrefix === "poll") {
// Update the formset and inform that a form has been removed
// Perform validation and other operations now that a row has been removed based on the affected table
switch (formPrefix) {
case 'option':
// Decrement the number of total options and validate the options list
validateFormField(isPollOptionsValid, "options-input-error-block-" + pollIndex);
case 'organiser':
validateFormField(areOrganisersEmailsValid, "organisers-input-error-block");
case 'trustee':
validateFormField(areTrusteesEmailsValid, "trustees-input-error-block");
$('.formset-form-save').click(function (e) {
var dialogValid = isDialogFormValid();
if(dialogValid === true) {
var modal = $(this).closest('.modal');
var form ='form');
var name = $('#question-name-input-' + pollIndex).val();
form.find('.formset-form-name:first').text(name);'formSave', true);
if(!pollEditActive) {
// Increment the poll count and clear any validation errors
} else {
pollEditActive = false;
function extractPollIndexFromId(id) {
var idSplitArray = id.split('-');
pollIndex = parseInt(idSplitArray[3]);
$('.formset-form-edit').click(function (e) {
var form = $(this).closest('.formset-form');
var questionNameInput = form.find('.formset-form-fields:first > .dialogFormField > .dialogQ');
$('#formset-modal').data('form', form).modal('show');
pollEditActive = true;
$('#formset-modal').on('', function (e) { // Ported from DEMOS1
var modal = $(this);
var modalBody = modal.find('.modal-body > .row > [class^="col-"]');
var modalTitle = modal.find('.modal-title');
var form ='form');
var formset = form.parent('.formset');
var formFields = form.find('.formset-form-fields:first >').detach();'formFields', formFields);
var clonedFields = formFields.clone(true);
formset.trigger('formsetModalShow', [modalBody]);
// Attach an event handler for poll option row sorting
$("#options-table-" + pollIndex).sortable({
items: "tr",
update: update
$('#formset-modal').on('', function (e) {
var modal = $(this);
var modalBody = modal.find('.modal-body > .row > [class^="col-"]');
var form ='form');
var formset = form.parent('.formset');
if ('formSave')) {
var formset = form.parent('.formset');
if ('formAdd')) {
manageTotalForms(formset, +1);
} else {
if ('formAdd')) {
formset.trigger('formsetModalHide', [modalBody]);
$('#formset-modal').on('', function (e) {
var modal = $(this);
var modalBody = modal.find('.modal-body > .row > [class^="col-"]');
var form ='form');
var formset = form.parent('.formset');
var formFields = form.find('.formset-form-fields:first');
if ('formSave')) {
if ('formAdd')) {
formset.trigger('formsetFormAdded', [form]);
} else {
formset.trigger('formsetFormEdited', [form]);
} else {
if (!'formAdd')) {