{% extends "bases/bootstrap-with-nav.html" %} {% load staticfiles %} {% load bootstrap3 %} {% block app_js_vars %} var option_count = {{ object.options.count }}; {% endblock %} {% block content %}

Event Voting Page for the Event '{{ object.event.title }}'

Voting status: {% if has_voted %} Voted - Re-Submitting will Change your Vote {% else %} Not Voted {% endif %}
Number of polls for this event: {{ poll_count }}

Instructions: You will be shown each poll for this event one by one where you will need to make a selection for the current poll before moving onto the next poll. For this specific poll you need to make a minimum of {{ min_selection }} option selection(s) and a maximum of {{ max_selection }}. Please make your choice below.
{% if prev_index %} {% endif %} {% if next_index %} {% endif %}
{% if object.options.all %}

Poll {{ poll_num }} of {{ poll_count }}: {{object.question_text}}

{% if can_vote %} {% load crispy_forms_tags %}

{% csrf_token %}
{% else %} {% endif %} {% else %}

No options are available.

{% endif %}

{% endblock %}