Public Keys and Secret Keys for Trustees are now Base64 encoded. I've tested this against 1 trustee and multiple trustees.
2018-09-04 15:21:31 +01:00 |
Updated various parts of the application to improve usability. Started laying some of the ground work for a bulletin board. Added informative emails that keep voters, trustees and organisers updated with the state of an event.
2018-09-03 15:39:42 +01:00 |
Going home
2018-08-16 22:17:16 +01:00 |
Added QR codes to ballot selection, and a couple other minor chchanges
2018-07-23 14:08:17 +01:00 |
Made a number of small enhancements. The django-recaptcha fields have been removed from the django forms as they're a dependency nightmare. The module isn't really required and the same functionality can be serviced using HTML and JS and it also paves the way to perform testing with python 3 over python 2.7. The about page has been removed for now as it's not prod ready and all it currently does it mention the software used to build DEMOS2.
2018-07-16 10:16:06 +01:00 |
Updated the voting and event decryption pages. On the voting page, added the ability to vote by selecting checkboxes instead of a drop down select menu. This adds flexibility at event creation to specify a wide range of min and max option selections for polls. On the event decryption page, SK validation was added based on the stored trustee PK as well as a dialog to display any validation errors. Most of the updates took place behind the scenes at the backend.
2018-07-13 17:19:35 +01:00 |
Full end-to-end voting is working using the new binary encoding scheme, ballot combination and trustee partial decryption with tallies working perfectly. This required updating the Node server as well as Django models and views to support this. Emails to voters and trustees have also been updated to be more informative and look more professional. It could probably do at this point with using email templates and in the future HTML emails.
2018-07-11 14:25:36 +01:00 |
Implemented full end-to-end encryption and decryption of an event using trustee public and secret keys. This required modification of the NodeJS crypto server to receive post data from the crypto_rpc py methods and for combining SKs together. Additionally, the new binary voting encoding scheme has been implemented for encryption and decryption of the event. General UI improvements have been made and as well as some other bug fixes
2018-07-07 09:52:47 +01:00 |
General housekeeping such as adding package.json for Node server, bash script for launching a celery worker and updating the readme to assist with launching the DEMOS2 app. Updated some models to include UI helper functions. Main work done is around event preparation - with a Celery worker running and the Node server, trustees are now emailed a link to prepare events. The event detail page has also had a bit of an overhaul to include additional information and to make it easier to use
2018-07-02 10:06:05 +01:00 |
Initial commit of DEMOS2 with the upgraded 'Create Event' UI. However, there is no input validation currently
2018-06-12 13:31:38 +01:00 |