#Barclays #openminds 24-Hour Hackathon
##Challenge 2 - Information Beautification


- ~~Write Python Script to convert JSON data to .cvs~~
- ~~Examine data, document findings for later~~
- Create infovis
	- ~~Work out how to display data from .cvs~~
	- ~~Build Google Maps visualisation using API~~
	- ~~Build Google Charts visualisations using API~~
- ~~Add Matrix Transition~~
- Relax and bask in the glow of a job well-done



- ~~12:00: Start~~
- ~~16:00: Completed .cvs creation~~
- ~~22:00: Pub~~
- ~~00:00: Return from pub~~
- ~~02:00: Have documentation of database completed~~
- ~~04:00: Have infovis plan completed~~
- ~~09:00: Have infovis implemented~~
- 10:00: Have matrix transition implemented, finish