Public Class DefaultView Dim Count As Integer = 10 Dim DispGDP As String Dim ChurchNames1(10) As String Dim ChurchNames2(10) As String Dim ChurchNames3(10) As String Dim Prophets(10) As String Dim Values1(10) As String Dim Values2(10) As String Dim Values3(10) As String Dim ChurchArrayed As Boolean = False Dim DeathAction(10) As String Dim DeathAdjective(10) As String Dim DeathCondition(10) As String Dim DeathArrayed As Boolean = False Private Sub DefaultView_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load If ThePlayer.CurrYear Mod 4 = 0 Then Months(1) = 29 ElseIf ThePlayer.CurrYear Mod 4 <> 0 Then Months(1) = 28 End If picAbdicator.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.Abdicator If ThePlayer.Gender = 1 Then picMonarch.Image = My.Resources.King ElseIf ThePlayer.Gender = 0 Then picMonarch.Image = My.Resources.Queen End If If ThePlayer.ParliamentDissolved = False Then grpDecrees.Enabled = False lblCurrentParty.Text = "Gov't: " & Government(ThePlayer.CurrGovernment) ElseIf ThePlayer.ParliamentDissolved = True Then lblCurrentParty.Visible = False grpDecrees.Enabled = True btnDissolveParliament.Visible = False btnExecuteCommoner.Text = "Execute a Commoner" btnFrance.Text = "Declare War on Communism" btnFalklands.Text = "Erect Monument on Texas" btnFalklands.Font = New Font("Times New Roman", 9) btnIreland.Text = "Unify Dakotas" btnPromote.Text = "Promote Horse as Consul" btnEmpire.Text = "Take Over the World" If ThePlayer.WorldTaken = 1 Then btnEmpire.Enabled = False End If btnChurch.Text = "Create New Church" btnGlass.Text = "Become Made of Glass" btnWife.Text = "Behead " & ThePlayer.Partner btnDeath.Text = "Declare Something Punishable by Death" btnDeath.Font = New Font("Times New Roman", 7) If ThePlayer.UnifiedIreland = True Then btnIreland.Enabled = False End If If ThePlayer.MadeofGlass = True Then btnGlass.Enabled = False End If End If lblRespect.Text = "Respect: " & ThePlayer.Respect lblName.Text = "President " lblRuleLength.Text = "President for: " lblName.Text = lblName.Text & ThePlayer.Name lblRuleLength.Text = lblRuleLength.Text & ThePlayer.RuleDays & " days, " & ThePlayer.RuleMonths & " months, " & ThePlayer.RuleYears & " years" lblGDP.Text = ThePlayer.GDPTerm & ThePlayer.GDP.ToString("###,###,###,###") tmrAdvanceDay.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub DefaultView_Resize(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Resize picMonarch.Width = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height pnlMenu.Height = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height pnlMenu.Width = (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width - picMonarch.Width) pnlMenu.Location = New Point(picMonarch.Width, pnlMenu.Location.Y) lblName.Location = New Point((pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 10, (pnlMenu.Height / 100) * 6) lblRuleLength.Location = New Point((pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 10, (pnlMenu.Height / 100) * 9) lblDate.Location = New Point((pnlMenu.Width - lblDate.Width) - ((pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 10), (pnlMenu.Height / 100) * 6) btnCalendar.Width = pnlMenu.Width - ((pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 20) btnCalendar.Location = New Point((pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 10, (pnlMenu.Height / 100) * 12) grpInfo.Width = pnlMenu.Width - ((pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 20) grpInfo.Height = (pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 20 grpInfo.Location = New Point((pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 10, (pnlMenu.Height / 100) * 19) lblGDP.Location = New Point((grpInfo.Width / 100) * 5, (grpInfo.Height / 100) * 20) lblRespect.Location = New Point((grpInfo.Width / 100) * 5, (grpInfo.Height / 100) * 45) lblCurrentParty.Location = New Point((grpInfo.Width / 100) * 5, (grpInfo.Height / 100) * 70) btnCharacter.Width = (grpInfo.Width / 100) * 47.5 btnCharacter.Height = (grpInfo.Height / 100) * 80 btnCharacter.Location = New Point((grpInfo.Width / 100) * 50, (grpInfo.Height / 100) * 12.5) btnRecreation.Width = pnlMenu.Width - ((pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 20) btnRecreation.Location = New Point((pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 10, (pnlMenu.Height / 100) * 38) btnDissolveParliament.Width = pnlMenu.Width - ((pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 20) btnDissolveParliament.Location = New Point((pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 10, (pnlMenu.Height / 100) * 44) grpDecrees.Width = pnlMenu.Width - ((pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 30) grpDecrees.Height = (pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 40 grpDecrees.Location = New Point((pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 15, (pnlMenu.Height / 100) * 50) btnExecuteCommoner.Width = grpDecrees.Width - ((grpDecrees.Width / 100) * 60) btnExecuteCommoner.Height = (grpDecrees.Height / 100) * 16 btnExecuteCommoner.Location = New Point((grpDecrees.Width / 100) * 5, (grpDecrees.Height / 100) * 12) btnFrance.Width = grpDecrees.Width - ((grpDecrees.Width / 100) * 60) btnFrance.Height = (grpDecrees.Height / 100) * 16 btnFrance.Location = New Point((grpDecrees.Width / 100) * 55, (grpDecrees.Height / 100) * 12) btnFalklands.Width = grpDecrees.Width - ((grpDecrees.Width / 100) * 60) btnFalklands.Height = (grpDecrees.Height / 100) * 16 btnFalklands.Location = New Point((grpDecrees.Width / 100) * 5, (grpDecrees.Height / 100) * 28) btnIreland.Width = grpDecrees.Width - ((grpDecrees.Width / 100) * 60) btnIreland.Height = (grpDecrees.Height / 100) * 16 btnIreland.Location = New Point((grpDecrees.Width / 100) * 55, (grpDecrees.Height / 100) * 28) btnPromote.Width = grpDecrees.Width - ((grpDecrees.Width / 100) * 60) btnPromote.Height = (grpDecrees.Height / 100) * 16 btnPromote.Location = New Point((grpDecrees.Width / 100) * 5, (grpDecrees.Height / 100) * 44) btnEmpire.Width = grpDecrees.Width - ((grpDecrees.Width / 100) * 60) btnEmpire.Height = (grpDecrees.Height / 100) * 16 btnEmpire.Location = New Point((grpDecrees.Width / 100) * 55, (grpDecrees.Height / 100) * 44) btnChurch.Width = grpDecrees.Width - ((grpDecrees.Width / 100) * 60) btnChurch.Height = (grpDecrees.Height / 100) * 16 btnChurch.Location = New Point((grpDecrees.Width / 100) * 5, (grpDecrees.Height / 100) * 60) btnGlass.Width = grpDecrees.Width - ((grpDecrees.Width / 100) * 60) btnGlass.Height = (grpDecrees.Height / 100) * 16 btnGlass.Location = New Point((grpDecrees.Width / 100) * 55, (grpDecrees.Height / 100) * 60) btnWife.Width = grpDecrees.Width - ((grpDecrees.Width / 100) * 60) btnWife.Height = (grpDecrees.Height / 100) * 16 btnWife.Location = New Point((grpDecrees.Width / 100) * 5, (grpDecrees.Height / 100) * 76) btnDeath.Width = grpDecrees.Width - ((grpDecrees.Width / 100) * 60) btnDeath.Height = (grpDecrees.Height / 100) * 16 btnDeath.Location = New Point((grpDecrees.Width / 100) * 55, (grpDecrees.Height / 100) * 76) btnAbdicate.Width = pnlMenu.Width - ((pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 20) btnAbdicate.Location = New Point((pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 10, (pnlMenu.Height / 100) * 86) btnMainMenu.Width = pnlMenu.Width / 2 btnMainMenu.Location = New Point((pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 25, (pnlMenu.Height / 100) * 92) pnlAbdication.Height = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 3 pnlAbdication.Width = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2.5 pnlAbdication.Location = New Point((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width + 1), (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height + 1)) picAbdicator.Width = pnlAbdication.Height picAbdicator.Height = picAbdicator.Width lblAbdicationAreYouSure.Width = pnlAbdication.Width - picAbdicator.Width lblAbdicationAreYouSure.Location = New Point(picAbdicator.Width, (pnlAbdication.Height / 100) * 10) ResizeText(lblAbdicationAreYouSure) lblAbdication.Width = pnlAbdication.Width - picAbdicator.Width lblAbdication.Height = (pnlAbdication.Height / 100) * 50 lblAbdication.Location = New Point(picAbdicator.Width, (pnlAbdication.Height / 100) * 25) ResizeText(lblAbdication) btnAbdicationYes.Width = (pnlAbdication.Width - picAbdicator.Width) / 4 btnAbdicationYes.Location = New Point(picAbdicator.Width + ((pnlAbdication.Width - picAbdicator.Width) / 4), (pnlAbdication.Height / 100) * 80) btnAbdicationNo.Width = (pnlAbdication.Width - picAbdicator.Width) / 4 btnAbdicationNo.Location = New Point(picAbdicator.Width + ((pnlAbdication.Width - picAbdicator.Width) / 2), (pnlAbdication.Height / 100) * 80) pnlDissolve.Height = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 3 pnlDissolve.Width = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2.5 pnlDissolve.Location = New Point((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width + 1), (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height + 1)) picDissolve.Width = pnlDissolve.Height picDissolve.Height = picDissolve.Width lblDissolve.Width = pnlDissolve.Width - picDissolve.Width lblDissolve.Location = New Point(picDissolve.Width, (pnlDissolve.Height / 100) * 10) ResizeText(lblDissolve) lblDissolveDesc.Width = pnlDissolve.Width - picDissolve.Width lblDissolveDesc.Height = (pnlDissolve.Height / 100) * 50 lblDissolveDesc.Location = New Point(picDissolve.Width, (pnlDissolve.Height / 100) * 25) ResizeText(lblDissolveDesc) btnDissolveYes.Width = lblDissolveDesc.Width / 2 btnDissolveYes.Location = New Point(lblDissolveDesc.Location.X, (pnlDissolve.Height / 100) * 80) btnDissolveNo.Width = lblDissolveDesc.Width / 2 btnDissolveNo.Location = New Point(lblDissolveDesc.Location.X + (lblDissolveDesc.Width / 2), (pnlDissolve.Height / 100) * 80) btnDissolveOK.Width = (pnlDissolve.Width - picDissolve.Width) / 4 btnDissolveOK.Location = New Point(picDissolve.Width + (((pnlDissolve.Width - picDissolve.Width) / 8) * 3), (pnlDissolve.Height / 100) * 80) pnlExecute.Height = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 3 pnlExecute.Width = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2.5 pnlExecute.Location = New Point((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width + 1), (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height + 1)) picExecute.Width = pnlExecute.Height picExecute.Height = picExecute.Width lblExecute.Width = pnlExecute.Width - picExecute.Width lblExecute.Location = New Point(picExecute.Width, (pnlExecute.Height / 100) * 10) ResizeText(lblExecute) lblExecuteDesc.Width = pnlExecute.Width - picExecute.Width lblExecuteDesc.Height = (pnlExecute.Height / 100) * 50 lblExecuteDesc.Location = New Point(picExecute.Width, (pnlExecute.Height / 100) * 25) ResizeText(lblExecuteDesc) btnExecuteOK.Width = (pnlExecute.Width - picExecute.Width) / 4 btnExecuteOK.Location = New Point(picExecute.Width + (((pnlExecute.Width - picExecute.Width) / 8) * 3), (pnlExecute.Height / 100) * 80) pnlFrance.Height = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 3 pnlFrance.Width = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2.5 pnlFrance.Location = New Point((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width + 1), (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height + 1)) picFrance.Width = pnlFrance.Height picFrance.Height = picFrance.Width lblFrance.Width = pnlFrance.Width - picFrance.Width lblFrance.Location = New Point(picFrance.Width, (pnlFrance.Height / 100) * 10) ResizeText(lblFrance) lblFranceDesc.Width = pnlFrance.Width - picFrance.Width lblFranceDesc.Height = (pnlFrance.Height / 100) * 50 lblFranceDesc.Location = New Point(picFrance.Width, (pnlFrance.Height / 100) * 25) ResizeText(lblFranceDesc) btnFranceOK.Width = (pnlFrance.Width - picFrance.Width) / 4 btnFranceOK.Location = New Point(picFrance.Width + (((pnlFrance.Width - picFrance.Width) / 8) * 3), (pnlFrance.Height / 100) * 80) pnlFalklands.Height = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 3 pnlFalklands.Width = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2.5 pnlFalklands.Location = New Point((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width + 1), (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height + 1)) picFalklands.Width = pnlFalklands.Height picFalklands.Height = picFalklands.Width lblFalklands.Width = pnlFalklands.Width - picFalklands.Width lblFalklands.Location = New Point(picFalklands.Width, (pnlFalklands.Height / 100) * 10) ResizeText(lblFalklands) lblFalklandsDesc.Width = pnlFalklands.Width - picFalklands.Width lblFalklandsDesc.Height = (pnlFalklands.Height / 100) * 50 lblFalklandsDesc.Location = New Point(picFalklands.Width, (pnlFalklands.Height / 100) * 25) ResizeText(lblFalklandsDesc) btnFalklandsOK.Width = (pnlFalklands.Width - picFalklands.Width) / 4 btnFalklandsOK.Location = New Point(picFalklands.Width + (((pnlFalklands.Width - picFalklands.Width) / 8) * 3), (pnlFalklands.Height / 100) * 80) pnlIreland.Height = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 3 pnlIreland.Width = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2.5 pnlIreland.Location = New Point((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width + 1), (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height + 1)) picIreland.Width = pnlIreland.Height picIreland.Height = picIreland.Width lblIreland.Width = pnlIreland.Width - picIreland.Width lblIreland.Location = New Point(picIreland.Width, (pnlIreland.Height / 100) * 10) ResizeText(lblIreland) lblIrelandDesc.Width = pnlIreland.Width - picIreland.Width lblIrelandDesc.Height = (pnlIreland.Height / 100) * 50 lblIrelandDesc.Location = New Point(picIreland.Width, (pnlIreland.Height / 100) * 25) ResizeText(lblIrelandDesc) btnIrelandOK.Width = (pnlIreland.Width - picIreland.Width) / 4 btnIrelandOK.Location = New Point(picIreland.Width + (((pnlIreland.Width - picIreland.Width) / 8) * 3), (pnlIreland.Height / 100) * 80) pnlHorse.Height = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 3 pnlHorse.Width = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2.5 pnlHorse.Location = New Point((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width + 1), (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height + 1)) picHorse.Width = pnlHorse.Height picHorse.Height = picHorse.Width lblHorse.Width = pnlHorse.Width - picHorse.Width lblHorse.Location = New Point(picHorse.Width, (pnlHorse.Height / 100) * 10) ResizeText(lblHorse) lblHorseDesc.Width = pnlHorse.Width - picHorse.Width lblHorseDesc.Height = (pnlHorse.Height / 100) * 50 lblHorseDesc.Location = New Point(picHorse.Width, (pnlHorse.Height / 100) * 25) ResizeText(lblHorseDesc) btnHorseOK.Width = (pnlHorse.Width - picHorse.Width) / 4 btnHorseOK.Location = New Point(picHorse.Width + (((pnlHorse.Width - picHorse.Width) / 8) * 3), (pnlHorse.Height / 100) * 80) pnlChurch.Height = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 3 pnlChurch.Width = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2.5 pnlChurch.Location = New Point((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width + 1), (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height + 1)) picChurch.Width = pnlChurch.Height picChurch.Height = picChurch.Width lblChurch.Width = pnlChurch.Width - picChurch.Width lblChurch.Location = New Point(picChurch.Width, (pnlChurch.Height / 100) * 10) ResizeText(lblChurch) lblChurchDesc.Width = pnlChurch.Width - picChurch.Width lblChurchDesc.Height = (pnlChurch.Height / 100) * 50 lblChurchDesc.Location = New Point(picChurch.Width, (pnlChurch.Height / 100) * 25) ResizeText(lblChurchDesc) btnChurchOK.Width = (pnlChurch.Width - picChurch.Width) / 4 btnChurchOK.Location = New Point(picChurch.Width + (((pnlChurch.Width - picChurch.Width) / 8) * 3), (pnlChurch.Height / 100) * 80) pnlGlass.Height = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 3 pnlGlass.Width = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2.5 pnlGlass.Location = New Point((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width + 1), (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height + 1)) picGlass.Width = pnlGlass.Height picGlass.Height = picGlass.Width lblGlass.Width = pnlGlass.Width - picGlass.Width lblGlass.Location = New Point(picGlass.Width, (pnlGlass.Height / 100) * 10) ResizeText(lblGlass) lblGlassDesc.Width = pnlGlass.Width - picGlass.Width lblGlassDesc.Height = (pnlGlass.Height / 100) * 50 lblGlassDesc.Location = New Point(picGlass.Width, (pnlGlass.Height / 100) * 25) ResizeText(lblGlassDesc) btnGlassOK.Width = (pnlGlass.Width - picGlass.Width) / 4 btnGlassOK.Location = New Point(picGlass.Width + (((pnlGlass.Width - picGlass.Width) / 8) * 3), (pnlGlass.Height / 100) * 80) pnlWife.Height = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 3 pnlWife.Width = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2.5 pnlWife.Location = New Point((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width + 1), (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height + 1)) picWife.Width = pnlWife.Height picWife.Height = picWife.Width lblWife.Width = pnlWife.Width - picWife.Width lblWife.Location = New Point(picWife.Width, (pnlWife.Height / 100) * 10) If ThePlayer.Gender = 1 Then lblWife.Text = "BEHEAD WIFE" ElseIf ThePlayer.Gender = 0 Then lblWife.Text = "BEHEAD HUSBAND" End If ResizeText(lblWife) lblWifeDesc.Width = pnlWife.Width - picWife.Width lblWifeDesc.Height = (pnlWife.Height / 100) * 50 lblWifeDesc.Location = New Point(picWife.Width, (pnlWife.Height / 100) * 25) ResizeText(lblWifeDesc) btnWifeOK.Width = (pnlWife.Width - picWife.Width) / 4 btnWifeOK.Location = New Point(picWife.Width + (((pnlWife.Width - picWife.Width) / 8) * 3), (pnlWife.Height / 100) * 80) pnlDeath.Height = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 3 pnlDeath.Width = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2.5 pnlDeath.Location = New Point((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width + 1), (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height + 1)) picDeath.Width = pnlDeath.Height picDeath.Height = picDeath.Width lblDeath.Width = pnlDeath.Width - picDeath.Width lblDeath.Location = New Point(picDeath.Width, (pnlDeath.Height / 100) * 10) ResizeText(lblDeath) lblDeathDesc.Width = pnlDeath.Width - picDeath.Width lblDeathDesc.Height = (pnlDeath.Height / 100) * 50 lblDeathDesc.Location = New Point(picDeath.Width, (pnlDeath.Height / 100) * 25) ResizeText(lblDeathDesc) btnDeathOK.Width = (pnlDeath.Width - picDeath.Width) / 4 btnDeathOK.Location = New Point(picDeath.Width + (((pnlDeath.Width - picDeath.Width) / 8) * 3), (pnlDeath.Height / 100) * 80) pnlEmpire.Height = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height - (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 4) pnlEmpire.Width = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2 pnlEmpire.Location = New Point((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width + 1), (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height + 1)) picEmpire.Width = pnlEmpire.Width picEmpire.Height = (pnlEmpire.Height / 100) * 45 pnlEmpireRetaken.Width = pnlEmpire.Width / 4 pnlEmpireRetaken.Height = (pnlEmpire.Height - picEmpire.Height) - (pnlEmpire.Height / 100) * 10 pnlEmpireRetaken.Location = New Point((pnlEmpire.Width / 100) * 4, pnlEmpire.Height / 2) lblEmpire.Width = (pnlEmpire.Width / 3) lblEmpire.Location = New Point(pnlEmpire.Width / 3, (pnlEmpire.Height / 100) * 45) ResizeText(lblEmpire) lblWhichCountry.Width = (pnlEmpire.Width / 5) * 3 lblWhichCountry.Location = New Point(pnlEmpire.Width / 3, (pnlEmpire.Height / 100) * 54) ResizeText(lblWhichCountry) cmboCountry.Width = (pnlEmpire.Width / 5) * 2.5 cmboCountry.Location = New Point(pnlEmpire.Width / 3, (pnlEmpire.Height / 100) * 60) lblChanceofSuccess.Width = (pnlEmpire.Width / 6) lblChanceofSuccess.Location = New Point((pnlEmpire.Width / 6) * 5, (pnlEmpire.Height / 100) * 57) ResizeText(lblChanceofSuccess) lblDifficulty.Width = (pnlEmpire.Width / 6) lblDifficulty.Location = New Point((pnlEmpire.Width / 6) * 5, (pnlEmpire.Height / 100) * 59) ResizeText(lblDifficulty) btnAttack.Width = (pnlEmpire.Width / 5) * 3 btnAttack.Location = New Point(pnlEmpire.Width / 3, (pnlEmpire.Height / 100) * 68) lblEmpireDesc.Width = (pnlEmpire.Width / 5) * 3.25 lblEmpireDesc.Height = (pnlEmpire.Height / 100) * 36 lblEmpireDesc.Location = New Point(pnlEmpire.Width / 3, (pnlEmpire.Height / 100) * 50) ResizeText(lblEmpireDesc) btnEmpireOK.Width = pnlEmpire.Width / 4 btnEmpireOK.Location = New Point((pnlEmpire.Width / 2) - (btnEmpireOK.Width / 2), (pnlEmpire.Height / 100) * 90) End Sub Private Sub btnMainMenu_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnMainMenu.Click MainMenu.Show() Me.Close() End Sub Private Sub tmrAdvanceDay_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles tmrAdvanceDay.Tick ThePlayer.GoingsOn() End Sub Private Sub btnAbdicate_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnAbdicate.Click tmrAdvanceDay.Enabled = False MusicPlayer.PlayAbdication() pnlAbdication.Location = New Point(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 3, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 3) ThePlayer.AbdicationThreats = ThePlayer.AbdicationThreats + 1 End Sub Private Sub btnAbdicationYes_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnAbdicationYes.Click ThePlayer.Death("You Resigned") End Sub Private Sub btnAbdicationNo_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnAbdicationNo.Click tmrAdvanceDay.Enabled = True pnlAbdication.Location = New Point((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width + 1), (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height + 1)) End Sub Private Sub btnRecreation_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnRecreation.Click Recreation.Show() Me.Close() End Sub Private Sub btnCharacter_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCharacter.Click ViewCharacter.Show() Me.Close() End Sub Private Sub btnDissolveParliament_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnDissolveParliament.Click If ThePlayer.Respect >= 100 Then ThePlayer.YearParliamentDissolved = ThePlayer.CurrYear ThePlayer.ParliamentDissolved = True lblCurrentParty.Visible = False grpDecrees.Enabled = True btnDissolveParliament.Visible = False btnDissolveYes.Visible = False btnDissolveNo.Visible = False btnDissolveOK.Visible = True ThePlayer.GDPTerm = "Wealth: $" btnExecuteCommoner.Text = "Execute a Commoner" btnFrance.Text = "Declare War on Communism" btnFalklands.Text = "Erect Monument on Texas" btnFalklands.Font = New Font("Times New Roman", 9) btnIreland.Text = "Unify Dakotas" btnPromote.Text = "Promote Horse as Consul" btnEmpire.Text = "Take Over the World" btnChurch.Text = "Create New Church" btnGlass.Text = "Become Made of Glass" btnWife.Text = "Behead " & ThePlayer.Partner btnDeath.Text = "Declare Something Punishable by Death" btnDeath.Font = New Font("Times New Roman", 7) If ThePlayer.Gender = 1 Then picDissolve.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.King ElseIf ThePlayer.Gender = 0 Then picDissolve.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.Queen End If lblDissolveDesc.Text = "You attempt to dissolve Congress and rule by decree. Thanks to the huge amount of respect you have accrued, it all goes off without a hitch." ElseIf ThePlayer.Respect < 100 Then lblDissolveDesc.Text = "You consider attempting to dissolve Congress and ruling by decree. Your lack of respect gives you pause, however. Are you sure you want to try this?" btnDissolveYes.Visible = True btnDissolveNo.Visible = True btnDissolveOK.Visible = False picDissolve.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.CharlesI End If pnlDissolve.Location = New Point(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 3, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 3) End Sub Private Sub btnDissolveYes_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnDissolveYes.Click ThePlayer.Death("It All Went a Bit King Charles I for You") End Sub Private Sub btnDissolveNo_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnDissolveNo.Click pnlDissolve.Location = New Point((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width + 1), (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height + 1)) End Sub Private Sub btnDissolveOK_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnDissolveOK.Click pnlDissolve.Location = New Point((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width + 1), (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height + 1)) End Sub Private Sub btnExecuteCommoner_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnExecuteCommoner.Click lblExecute.Font = New Font("Times New Roman", 20) Dim RespectVal As Integer = CInt(Int(20 * Rnd())) ThePlayer.CommonersExecuted = ThePlayer.CommonersExecuted + 1 ThePlayer.Respect = ThePlayer.Respect - RespectVal RespectCheck() lblRespect.Text = "Respect: " & ThePlayer.Respect lblExecuteDesc.Text = "You execute a lowly commoner right in front of his peers for little reason. You lose -" & RespectVal & " respect." pnlExecute.Location = New Point(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 3, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 3) End Sub Private Sub btnExecuteOK_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnExecuteOK.Click pnlExecute.Location = New Point((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width + 1), (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height + 1)) End Sub Private Sub btnFrance_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnFrance.Click ThePlayer.AtWarWithFrance = True ThePlayer.YearWarDeclared = ThePlayer.CurrYear pnlFrance.Location = New Point(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 3, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 3) End Sub Private Sub btnFranceOK_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnFranceOK.Click pnlFrance.Location = New Point((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width + 1), (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height + 1)) End Sub Private Sub btnFalklands_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnFalklands.Click If ThePlayer.SunkFalklands = False Then If ThePlayer.ArgieButthurtLevel < 13 Then ThePlayer.MonumentsErected = ThePlayer.MonumentsErected + 1 ThePlayer.FalklandMonumentsWeight = ThePlayer.FalklandMonumentsWeight + CInt(Int(1000 * Rnd())) ThePlayer.ArgieButthurtLevel = ThePlayer.ArgieButthurtLevel + 1 ElseIf ThePlayer.ArgieButthurtLevel = 13 Then lblFalklandsDesc.Text = "You erect another monument on Texas. So enraged, the Mexicans launch an invasion of the state. The combined weight of the monuments and a single Mexican soldier called Paco sinks the state into the ocean." ThePlayer.SunkFalklands = True picFalklands.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.SinkingFalklands ResizeText(lblFalklandsDesc) End If ElseIf ThePlayer.SunkFalklands = True Then lblFalklandsDesc.Text = "You drop a monument into the rough area of ocean where Texas used to be. It causes a satisfying splash." picFalklands.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.SunkFalklands ResizeText(lblFalklandsDesc) End If pnlFalklands.Location = New Point(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 3, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 3) End Sub Private Sub btnFalklandsOK_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnFalklandsOK.Click pnlFalklands.Location = New Point((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width + 1), (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height + 1)) End Sub Private Sub btnIreland_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnIreland.Click If ThePlayer.CurrMonth < 11 Then ThePlayer.AtWarWithFranceForMonths = ThePlayer.AtWarWithFranceForMonths + 1 ThePlayer.CurrMonth = ThePlayer.CurrMonth + 1 ThePlayer.RuleMonths = ThePlayer.RuleMonths + 1 ElseIf ThePlayer.CurrMonth >= 12 Then ThePlayer.AtWarWithFranceForMonths = 0 ThePlayer.AtWarWithFranceForYears = ThePlayer.AtWarWithFranceForYears + 1 ThePlayer.CurrMonth = 0 ThePlayer.CurrYear = ThePlayer.CurrYear + 1 ThePlayer.RuleYears = ThePlayer.RuleYears + 1 ThePlayer.Age = ThePlayer.Age + 1 If ThePlayer.Age = ThePlayer.DeathAge Then ThePlayer.Death("Died of Old Age") End If End If lblRuleLength.Text = "President for: " lblRuleLength.Text = lblRuleLength.Text & ThePlayer.RuleDays & " days, " & ThePlayer.RuleMonths & " months, " & ThePlayer.RuleYears & " years" lblDate.Text = ThePlayer.RuleDays & " " & TheMonth(ThePlayer.CurrMonth) & " " & ThePlayer.CurrYear Dim IrelandUnified As Integer = CInt(Int(3 * Rnd()) + 1) If IrelandUnified <> 1 Then Dim RespectVal As Integer = CInt(Int(30 * Rnd())) Dim DeadSoldiers As Integer = CInt(Int(200 * Rnd()) + 1) ThePlayer.Respect = ThePlayer.Respect - RespectVal RespectCheck() lblRespect.Text = "Respect: " & ThePlayer.Respect ThePlayer.LivesLostIreland = ThePlayer.LivesLostIreland + DeadSoldiers ThePlayer.AttemptstoUnifyIreland = ThePlayer.AttemptstoUnifyIreland + 1 picIreland.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.Irelandlose lblIrelandDesc.Text = "You attempt to unify the Dakotas. It goes poorly, " & DeadSoldiers & " American soldiers die and you lose -" & RespectVal & " respect." ElseIf IrelandUnified = 1 Then Dim RespectVal As Integer = CInt(Int(60 * Rnd())) Dim DeadSoldiers As Integer = CInt(Int(50 * Rnd())) ThePlayer.Respect = ThePlayer.Respect + RespectVal lblRespect.Text = "Respect: " & ThePlayer.Respect ThePlayer.LivesLostIreland = ThePlayer.LivesLostIreland + DeadSoldiers ThePlayer.AttemptstoUnifyIreland = ThePlayer.AttemptstoUnifyIreland + 1 ThePlayer.YearIrelandUnified = ThePlayer.CurrYear picIreland.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.Irelandwin lblIrelandDesc.Text = "You attempt to unify the Dakotas. It goes well, only " & DeadSoldiers & " American soldiers die and you gain +" & RespectVal & " respect." ThePlayer.UnifiedIreland = True btnIreland.Enabled = False End If pnlIreland.Location = New Point(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 3, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 3) End Sub Private Sub btnIrelandOK_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnIrelandOK.Click pnlIreland.Location = New Point((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width + 1), (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height + 1)) End Sub Private Sub btnPromote_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnPromote.Click If ThePlayer.PercentageofHorseConsuls <> 100 Then ThePlayer.PercentageofHorseConsuls = ThePlayer.PercentageofHorseConsuls + 50 lblHorseDesc.Text = "You promote a horse to the position of consul. " & ThePlayer.PercentageofHorseConsuls & "% of all consuls in the land are now horses, as it should be." ElseIf ThePlayer.PercentageofHorseConsuls = 100 Then lblHorseDesc.Font = New Font("Times New Roman", 18) lblHorseDesc.Text = "You attempt to promote another horse to the position of consul before realising every consul is a horse already. You try replacing one horse with a different horse but alas, the magic is gone." ResizeText(lblHorseDesc) End If pnlHorse.Location = New Point(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 3, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 3) End Sub Private Sub btnHorseOK_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnHorseOK.Click pnlHorse.Location = New Point((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width + 1), (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height + 1)) End Sub Private Sub btnEmpire_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnEmpire.Click cmboCountry.Items.Clear() cmboCountry.Text = "" lblDifficulty.Text = "" lblTheWorld.Visible = True cmboCountry.Items.Add("The World") lblTheWorld.ForeColor = Color.Red lblRetaken.Text = "0%" cmboCountry.Enabled = True btnAttack.Visible = True lblEmpireDesc.Visible = False btnEmpireOK.Visible = False btnAttack.Enabled = False pnlEmpire.Location = New Point(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 4, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 8) End Sub Private Sub btnAttack_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnAttack.Click Dim DeadSoldiers As Integer = 0 Dim RespectVal As Integer = 0 Dim Result As Integer = 0 cmboCountry.Enabled = False btnAttack.Visible = False lblEmpireDesc.Visible = True btnEmpireOK.Visible = True Result = CInt(Int(100 * Rnd()) + 1) If cmboCountry.SelectedItem = "The World" Then ThePlayer.CurrYear = ThePlayer.CurrYear + 6 ThePlayer.RuleYears = ThePlayer.RuleYears + 6 ThePlayer.Age = ThePlayer.Age + 6 ThePlayer.AtWarWithFranceForYears = ThePlayer.AtWarWithFranceForYears + 6 If ThePlayer.Age = ThePlayer.DeathAge Then ThePlayer.Death("Died of Old Age") End If lblRuleLength.Text = "President for: " lblRuleLength.Text = lblRuleLength.Text & ThePlayer.RuleDays & " days, " & ThePlayer.RuleMonths & " months, " & ThePlayer.RuleYears & " years" lblDate.Text = ThePlayer.RuleDays & " " & TheMonth(ThePlayer.CurrMonth) & " " & ThePlayer.CurrYear If Result <= 20 Then ThePlayer.AtWarWithFrance = False btnFrance.Enabled = False DeadSoldiers = CInt(Int(10000 * Rnd())) RespectVal = CInt(Int(400 * Rnd())) ThePlayer.Respect = ThePlayer.Respect + RespectVal lblEmpireDesc.Text = "You attempt to do the same thing you do every night, Pinky: Try to take over the world. Against all the odds, it goes well, only " & DeadSoldiers.ToString("##,###") & " American soldiers are killed and you gain +" & RespectVal & " respect." ThePlayer.WorldTaken = 1 lblTheWorld.ForeColor = Color.Green ThePlayer.YearWorldTaken = ThePlayer.CurrYear ElseIf Result > 20 Then DeadSoldiers = CInt(Int(50000 * Rnd())) RespectVal = CInt(Int(30 * Rnd())) ThePlayer.Respect = ThePlayer.Respect - RespectVal RespectCheck() lblEmpireDesc.Text = "You attempt to do the same thing you do every night, Pinky: Try to take over the world. As is so often the way, it goes poorly. " & DeadSoldiers.ToString("##,###") & " American soldiers are killed and you lose -" & RespectVal & " respect." End If ThePlayer.AttemptstoTakeWorld = ThePlayer.AttemptstoTakeWorld + 1 ThePlayer.LivesLostTakeWorld = ThePlayer.LivesLostTakeWorld + DeadSoldiers End If lblRespect.Text = "Respect: " & ThePlayer.Respect End Sub Private Sub btnEmpireOK_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnEmpireOK.Click If ThePlayer.WorldTaken = 1 Then btnEmpire.Enabled = False End If pnlEmpire.Location = New Point((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width + 1), (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height + 1)) End Sub Private Sub cmboCountry_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles cmboCountry.SelectedIndexChanged If cmboCountry.SelectedItem = "The World" Then lblDifficulty.Text = "20%" End If If cmboCountry.SelectedItem <> "" Then btnAttack.Enabled = True ElseIf cmboCountry.SelectedItem = "" Then btnAttack.Enabled = False End If End Sub Private Sub btnChurch_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnChurch.Click If ChurchArrayed = False Then ChurchArray() ChurchArrayed = True End If ThePlayer.ChurchesFormed = ThePlayer.ChurchesFormed + 1 lblChurchDesc.Text = "You create a new church, the " & ChurchNames1(10 * Rnd()) & " " & ChurchNames2(10 * Rnd()) & " of " & ChurchNames3(10 * Rnd()) & ", based around the teachings of " & Prophets(10 * Rnd()) & " and the values of " & Values1(10 * Rnd()) & ", " & Values2(10 * Rnd()) & " and " & Values3(10 * Rnd()) & "." ResizeText(lblChurchDesc) pnlChurch.Location = New Point(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 3, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 3) End Sub Private Sub btnChurchOK_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnChurchOK.Click pnlChurch.Location = New Point((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width + 1), (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height + 1)) End Sub Private Sub btnGlass_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnGlass.Click ThePlayer.MadeofGlass = True pnlGlass.Location = New Point(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 3, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 3) btnGlass.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub btnGlassOK_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnGlassOK.Click pnlGlass.Location = New Point((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width + 1), (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height + 1)) End Sub Private Sub btnWife_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnWife.Click lblWifeDesc.Text = "The current " & ThePlayer.Partner & " gets the chop, but luckily for your love life, nothing's a bigger turn-on than absolute dictatorship, and you have a new partner before the last one's head has even hit the floor." ThePlayer.WivesBeheaded = ThePlayer.WivesBeheaded + 1 pnlWife.Location = New Point(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 3, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 3) End Sub Private Sub btnWifeOK_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnWifeOK.Click pnlWife.Location = New Point((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width + 1), (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height + 1)) End Sub Private Sub btnDeath_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnDeath.Click If DeathArrayed = False Then DeathArray() DeathArrayed = True End If lblDeathDesc.Text = "You decide there are too many things out there not punishable by death. To alleviate this, you declare that " & DeathAction(10 * Rnd()) & " " & DeathAdjective(10 * Rnd()) & " " & DeathCondition(10 * Rnd()) & " is now a capital offence." ThePlayer.ThingsDeclaredPunishableByDeath = ThePlayer.ThingsDeclaredPunishableByDeath + 1 ResizeText(lblDeathDesc) pnlDeath.Location = New Point(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 3, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 3) End Sub Private Sub btnDeathOK_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnDeathOK.Click pnlDeath.Location = New Point((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width + 1), (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height + 1)) End Sub Sub ChurchArray() ChurchNames1(0) = "Blessed" ChurchNames1(1) = "Holy" ChurchNames1(2) = "Pungent" ChurchNames1(3) = "Fast" ChurchNames1(4) = "Indomitable" ChurchNames1(5) = "Unfathomable" ChurchNames1(6) = "Rotund" ChurchNames1(7) = "Compelling" ChurchNames1(8) = "Thrilling" ChurchNames1(9) = "Believing" ChurchNames2(0) = "Brothers" ChurchNames2(1) = "Sisters" ChurchNames2(2) = "Chums" ChurchNames2(3) = "Friends" ChurchNames2(4) = "Pals" ChurchNames2(5) = "Gentlemen" ChurchNames2(6) = "Bros" ChurchNames2(7) = "Chaps" ChurchNames2(8) = "Buggerers" ChurchNames2(9) = "lads" ChurchNames3(0) = "Zanzibar" ChurchNames3(1) = "Eternity" ChurchNames3(2) = "God" ChurchNames3(3) = "the Lord" ChurchNames3(4) = "Foreveriality" ChurchNames3(5) = "Time" ChurchNames3(6) = "Nature" ChurchNames3(7) = "Gaia" ChurchNames3(8) = "Spacetime" ChurchNames3(9) = ThePlayer.Name Prophets(0) = "Rumps" Prophets(1) = "Phil" Prophets(2) = "Mr Brown" Prophets(3) = "some guy" Prophets(4) = "Bill and Ted" Prophets(5) = "the voices in your head" Prophets(6) = "Albert Camus" Prophets(7) = "Plato" Prophets(8) = "Thomas Aquinas" Prophets(9) = "Ludwig Wittgenstein" Values1(0) = "nihilism" Values1(1) = "being excellent to each other" Values1(2) = "existentialism" Values1(3) = "fundamentalism" Values1(4) = "ismism" Values1(5) = "Islamism" Values1(6) = "pacifism" Values1(7) = "being an arsehole" Values1(8) = "stuff" Values1(9) = "militarism" Values2(0) = "partying on" Values2(1) = "being a nice guy" Values2(2) = "anarchism" Values2(3) = "statism" Values2(4) = "things" Values2(5) = "quietism" Values2(6) = "minarchism" Values2(7) = "absurdism" Values2(8) = "surrealism" Values2(9) = "Dadaism" Values3(0) = "whatever" Values3(1) = "farts" Values3(2) = "dudes" Values3(3) = "abandonment" Values3(4) = "homelessness" Values3(5) = "sillyness" Values3(6) = "seriousness" Values3(7) = "chips" Values3(8) = "value" Values3(9) = "up" End Sub Sub DeathArray() DeathAction(0) = "eating" DeathAction(1) = "looking" DeathAction(2) = "feeling" DeathAction(3) = "existing" DeathAction(4) = "jumping" DeathAction(5) = "thinking" DeathAction(6) = "considering things" DeathAction(7) = "talking" DeathAction(8) = "chewing" DeathAction(9) = "running" DeathAdjective(0) = "loudly" DeathAdjective(1) = "irritatingly" DeathAdjective(2) = "thoroughly" DeathAdjective(3) = "quietly" DeathAdjective(4) = "upwardly" DeathAdjective(5) = "positively" DeathAdjective(6) = "negatively" DeathAdjective(7) = "ambiguously" DeathAdjective(8) = "randomly" DeathAdjective(9) = "without provocation" DeathCondition(0) = "on a Tuesday" DeathCondition(1) = "on the Sabbath" DeathCondition(2) = "without a permit" DeathCondition(3) = "without humming the national anthem" DeathCondition(4) = "whilst slapping yourself" DeathCondition(5) = "whilst jumping" DeathCondition(6) = "whilst existing" DeathCondition(7) = "without rotating" DeathCondition(8) = "and eating a turtle" DeathCondition(9) = "whilst looking in the direction of Mecca" End Sub Private Sub btnCalendar_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCalendar.Click MsgBox("Calendar and event scheduling coming soon") End Sub End Class