Public Class ViewCharacter Dim Count As Integer = 10 Private Sub ViewCharacter_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load If ThePlayer.PhilMode = True Then picMonarch.Image = My.Resources.KingPhil ElseIf ThePlayer.PhilMode = False Then If ThePlayer.Gender = 1 Then picMonarch.Image = My.Resources.King ElseIf ThePlayer.Gender = 0 Then picMonarch.Image = My.Resources.Queen End If End If If ThePlayer.Gender = 1 Then lblName.Text = "King " lblRuleLength.Text = "King for: " ElseIf ThePlayer.Gender = 0 Then lblName.Text = "Queen " lblRuleLength.Text = "Queen for: " End If lblName.Text = lblName.Text & ThePlayer.Name lblRuleLength.Text = lblRuleLength.Text & ThePlayer.RuleDays & " days, " & ThePlayer.RuleMonths & " months, " & ThePlayer.RuleYears & " years" PopulateListbox() tmrAdvanceDay.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub ViewCharacter_Resize(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Resize picMonarch.Width = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height pnlMenu.Height = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height pnlMenu.Width = (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width - picMonarch.Width) pnlMenu.Location = New Point(picMonarch.Width, pnlMenu.Location.Y) lblName.Location = New Point((pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 10, (pnlMenu.Height / 100) * 6) lblRuleLength.Location = New Point((pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 10, (pnlMenu.Height / 100) * 9) lblDate.Location = New Point((pnlMenu.Width - lblDate.Width) - ((pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 10), (pnlMenu.Height / 100) * 6) btnBack.Width = pnlMenu.Width / 2 btnBack.Location = New Point((pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 25, (pnlMenu.Height / 100) * 92) lstStats.Height = pnlMenu.Height - (pnlMenu.Height / 4) lstStats.Width = pnlMenu.Width - ((pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 20) lstStats.Location = New Point((pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 10, (pnlMenu.Height / 100) * 14) End Sub Private Sub tmrAdvanceDay_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles tmrAdvanceDay.Tick ThePlayer.GoingsOn() End Sub Sub PopulateListbox() With lstStats.Items .Add("--GENERAL--") .Add("Happiness: " & ThePlayer.Happiness) .Add("Respect: " & ThePlayer.Respect) .Add("Knowledge: " & ThePlayer.Knowledge) .Add("Birthplace: " & ThePlayer.Birthplace) .Add(ThePlayer.GDPTerm & ThePlayer.GDP.ToString("###,###,###,###")) If ThePlayer.ParliamentDissolved = False Then .Add("Current government: " & Government(ThePlayer.CurrGovernment)) ElseIf ThePlayer.ParliamentDissolved = True Then .Add("Current government: Parliament dissolved in " & ThePlayer.YearParliamentDissolved) End If .Add("Number of elections held during reign: " & ThePlayer.ElectionNum) .Add("Number of abdication threats: " & ThePlayer.AbdicationThreats) .Add("--RECREATION--") .Add("Plebspotting trips: " & ThePlayer.PlebspottingTrips) .Add("Research sessions: " & ThePlayer.ResearchSeshes) .Add("Holidays gone on: " & ThePlayer.Holidays) .Add("Good holidays: " & ThePlayer.GoodHolidays) .Add("Bad holidays: " & ThePlayer.BadHolidays) .Add("Polo games played: " & ThePlayer.PoloGames) .Add("Polo games won: " & ThePlayer.PoloGamesWon) .Add("Polo games lost: " & ThePlayer.PoloGamesLost) .Add("Sick castle parties hosted: " & ThePlayer.PartiesHosted) .Add("Successful parties: " & ThePlayer.GoodPartiesHosted) .Add("Unsuccessful parties: " & ThePlayer.BadPartiesHosted) .Add("Film nights in with the " & ThePlayer.Partner & ": " & ThePlayer.FilmNights) .Add("Good film nights: " & ThePlayer.GoodFilmNights) .Add("Bad film nights: " & ThePlayer.GoodFilmNights) .Add("--DECREES--") .Add("Commoners executed: " & ThePlayer.CommonersExecuted) If ThePlayer.AtWarWithFrance = True Then .Add("At war with France: Of course!") .Add("At war with France for: " & ThePlayer.AtWarWithFranceFor) .Add("Lives lost in the unending Anglo-French War of " & ThePlayer.YearWarDeclared & ": " & ThePlayer.LivesLost) ElseIf (ThePlayer.AtWarWithFrance = False) And (ThePlayer.WorldTaken = True) And (ThePlayer.AtWarWithFranceForDays > 0) Then .Add("At war with France: France? Do you mean New Grimsby?") .Add("At war with France for: " & ThePlayer.AtWarWithFranceFor) .Add("Lives lost in the now-ended Anglo-French War of " & ThePlayer.YearWarDeclared & ": " & ThePlayer.LivesLost) ElseIf (ThePlayer.AtWarWithFrance = False) And (ThePlayer.WorldTaken = True) And (ThePlayer.AtWarWithFranceForDays = 0) Then .Add("At war with France: France? Do you mean New Grimsby?") ElseIf (ThePlayer.AtWarWithFrance = False) And (ThePlayer.WorldTaken = False) Then .Add("At war with France: No") End If If ThePlayer.MonumentsErected > 0 Then If ThePlayer.SunkFalklands = False Then .Add("Monuments erected on the Falklands: " & ThePlayer.MonumentsErected) .Add("Weight of Falklands monuments: " & ThePlayer.FalklandMonumentsWeight & "kg") ElseIf ThePlayer.SunkFalklands = True Then .Add("Monuments erected on the former Falklands: " & ThePlayer.MonumentsErected) .Add("Weight of Falklands monuments: Unknown") End If .Add("Argentine butthurt level: " & ArgieButthurt(ThePlayer.ArgieButthurtLevel)) End If If ThePlayer.UnifiedIreland = True Then .Add("Ireland united: Finally") .Add("Year Ireland unified: " & ThePlayer.YearIrelandUnified) .Add("Attempts to unify Ireland: " & ThePlayer.AttemptstoUnifyIreland) .Add("Lives lost attempting to unify Ireland: " & ThePlayer.LivesLostIreland) .Add("Republican assassinations: " & ThePlayer.IRAAssassinations) ElseIf ThePlayer.UnifiedIreland = False Then .Add("Ireland united: No") If ThePlayer.AttemptstoUnifyIreland > 0 Then .Add("Attempts to unify Ireland: " & ThePlayer.AttemptstoUnifyIreland) .Add("Lives lost attempting to unify Ireland: " & ThePlayer.LivesLostIreland) End If End If .Add("Percentage of equine consuls: " & ThePlayer.PercentageofHorseConsuls & "%") .Add("Percentage of Empire retaken: " & ThePlayer.PercentageEmpireRetaken & "%") If ThePlayer.CanadaRetaken = 0 Then .Add("Canada status: Free") ElseIf ThePlayer.CanadaRetaken = 1 Then .Add("Canada status: Under British control") End If If ThePlayer.ColoniesRetaken = 0 Then .Add("Thirteen Colonies status: Free") ElseIf ThePlayer.ColoniesRetaken = 1 Then .Add("Thirteen Colonies status: Under British control") End If If ThePlayer.CarribeanRetaken = 0 Then .Add("Caribbean status: Free") ElseIf ThePlayer.CarribeanRetaken = 1 Then .Add("Caribbean status: Under British control") End If If ThePlayer.SouthAfricaRetaken = 0 Then .Add("South Africa status: Free") ElseIf ThePlayer.SouthAfricaRetaken = 1 Then .Add("South Africa status: Under British control") End If If ThePlayer.OtherAfricaRetaken = 0 Then .Add("Other bits of Africa status: Free") ElseIf ThePlayer.OtherAfricaRetaken = 1 Then .Add("Other bits of Africa status: Under British control") End If If ThePlayer.MiddleEastRetaken = 0 Then .Add("Middle-East status: Free") ElseIf ThePlayer.MiddleEastRetaken = 1 Then .Add("Middle-East status: Under British control") End If If ThePlayer.IndiaRetaken = 0 Then .Add("India status: Free") ElseIf ThePlayer.IndiaRetaken = 1 Then .Add("India status: Under British control") End If If ThePlayer.OtherAsiaRetaken = 0 Then .Add("Other bits of Asia status: Free") ElseIf ThePlayer.OtherAsiaRetaken = 1 Then .Add("Other bits of Asia status: Under British control") End If If ThePlayer.AustraliaRetaken = 0 Then .Add("Australia status: Free") ElseIf ThePlayer.AustraliaRetaken = 1 Then .Add("Australia status: Under British control") End If If ThePlayer.AttemptstoRetakeEmpire > 0 Then .Add("Attempts to retake Empire: " & ThePlayer.AttemptstoRetakeEmpire) .Add("Lives lost retaking Empire: " & ThePlayer.LivesLostEmpire) End If If ThePlayer.PercentageEmpireRetaken = 100 Then .Add("Year Empire retaken: " & ThePlayer.YearEmpireRetaken) If ThePlayer.WorldTaken = 1 Then .Add("World taken: For England") ElseIf ThePlayer.WorldTaken = 0 Then .Add("World taken: Working on it") End If .Add("Attempts to take over the world: " & ThePlayer.AttemptstoTakeWorld) .Add("Lives lost taking over the world: " & ThePlayer.LivesLostTakeWorld) If ThePlayer.WorldTaken = 1 Then .Add("Year world taken over: " & ThePlayer.YearWorldTaken) End If End If .Add("Churches formed: " & ThePlayer.ChurchesFormed) If ThePlayer.MadeofGlass = True Then .Add("Gone snooker loopy: Yes") ElseIf ThePlayer.MadeofGlass = False Then .Add("Gone snooker loopy: Not completely") End If .Add("Wives beheaded: " & ThePlayer.WivesBeheaded) .Add("Things declared punishable by death: " & ThePlayer.ThingsDeclaredPunishableByDeath) End With End Sub Private Sub btnBack_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnBack.Click DefaultView.Show() Me.Close() End Sub End Class