Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient Public Class frmTeacherAchievements 'Subroutine runs when the form loads Private Sub frmTeacherAchievements_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 'Establishes the connection to the database OpenDB() 'Places the logged-in teacher's name onto the form lblAchievements.Text = LoggedInTeacher.Fname & " " & LoggedInTeacher.Lname & " Achievements" 'Runs the achievements population subroutine Achievements() End Sub 'Subroutine runs when the form runs Sub Achievements() 'Runs the achievment subroutines TeachingAssistant() TenuredProf() End Sub 'Subroutines run when the achievement subroutine calls them Sub TeachingAssistant() Dim sql As String Dim dbcomm As MySqlCommand Dim dbread As MySqlDataReader 'Builds SQL query to execute sql = "SELECT * FROM `tblquestions` WHERE `TeacherID`='" & LoggedInTeacher.TeacherID & "' AND `QsAdded` >0" dbcomm = New MySqlCommand(sql, DBConn) dbread = dbcomm.ExecuteReader() 'Fills the various properties of the LoggedInStudent object with their respective values from the database While dbread.Read 'Unlocks the achievement lblTeachingAssistant.Text = "Teaching Assistant" lblTeachingAssistantDeets.Text = "Create your first question" picTeachingAssistant.Image = My.Resources.Assistant dbread.Close() DBConn.Close() Exit Sub End While dbread.Close() End Sub Sub TenuredProf() Dim sql As String Dim dbcomm As MySqlCommand Dim dbread As MySqlDataReader 'Builds SQL query to execute sql = "SELECT * FROM `tblquestions` WHERE `TeacherID`='" & LoggedInTeacher.TeacherID & "' AND `QsAdded` >19" dbcomm = New MySqlCommand(sql, DBConn) dbread = dbcomm.ExecuteReader() 'Fills the various properties of the LoggedInStudent object with their respective values from the database While dbread.Read 'Unlocks the achievement lblTenuredProf.Text = "Tenured Professor" lblTenuredProfDeets.Text = "Create 20 questions" picTenuredProf.Image = My.Resources.professor dbread.Close() DBConn.Close() Exit Sub End While dbread.Close() End Sub End Class